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[TOT: 53.683.000] Aventuros [NWO] vs. Attamottamotta (A: 6.196.000, V: 47.487.000)

0 528

[TOT: 244.000] Aventuros [NWO] vs. Attamottamotta (A: 24.000, V: 220.000)

0 527

[TOT: 65.180.500] Mogul Amos [Vmotu] vs. Cheese Nugget [TCC] (A: 4.494.000, V: 60.686.500)

0 514

CR-thread: Vmotu vs tif

3 511


[TOT: 106.951.500] HvH [Free4All] vs. Michiel de Router [NWO] (A: 3.548.000, V: 103.403.500)

0 473

[TOT: 40.668.000] Mogul Amos [Vmotu] vs. Marshal Aten [STC] (A: 6.501.000, V: 34.167.000)

0 470

[TOT: 24.010.000] Mogul Amos [Vmotu] vs. Marshal Aten [STC] (A: 3.773.000, V: 20.237.000)

0 468

[TOT: 919.000] Gravely [DSS] vs. INSIDIOUS [CCG] (A: 0, V: 919.000)

2 455


[TOT: 17.487.500] Mogul Amos [Vmotu] vs. greeny [ACTIVE] (A: 4.381.000, V: 13.106.500)

3 437


[TOT: 13.770.500] The-Master [CCG] vs. Director Telesto (A: 0, V: 13.770.500)

3 430


[TOT: 7.107.000] Mogul Amos [Vmotu] vs. Pietiemini [ACTIVE] (A: 737.000, V: 6.370.000)

1 372


[TOT: 37.759.000] Mogul Amos [Vmotu] vs. Marshal Aten [STC] (A: 8.117.000, V: 29.642.000)

0 370

[TOT: 30.604.000] Mogul Amos [Vmotu] vs. Marshal Aten [STC] (A: 6.849.000, V: 23.755.000)

0 358

[TOT: 24.345.000] Admiral F [CCG] vs. Franky (A: 4.638.000, V: 19.707.000)

1 357

Martin Garrix

[TOT: 26.997.500] The-Master [CCG] vs. Director Telesto (A: 0, V: 26.997.500)

1 355


[TOT: 55.000] Mogul Amos [Motu] vs. Renegade Radiation (A: 0, V: 55.000)

1 353

Martin Garrix

[TOT: 13.239.000] Mogul Amos [Vmotu] vs. Nygu [TIF] (A: 4.125.000, V: 9.114.000)

1 337


[TOT: 6.673.000] Aventuros [NWO] vs. Nephilith (A: 434.000, V: 6.239.000)

1 332


[TOT: 13.150.000] Mogul Amos [Vmotu] vs. Lieutenant Stingray [TIF] (A: 2.482.000, V: 10.668.000)

0 331

[TOT: 12.587.500] The-Master [CCG] vs. toppy [NWO] (A: 0, V: 12.587.500)

0 309
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