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Announcement Overzicht Top 10 ~ Spica

0 2,913

Announcement Hall of Fame regels

0 29,267

[TOT: 289.630.500] Senna [FEAR] vs. Underdwarf [GFTU] (A: 30.121.000, V: 259.509.500)

0 152

Nog meer vulling.. [TOT: 414.601.000] Powersmurf [BOT] vs. Procurator Rover (A: 15.490.000, V: 399.111.000)

1 152


[TOT: 242.105.000] Powersmurf [DOG] vs. Czar Atlas (A: 16.070.000, V: 226.035.000)

0 152

[TOT: 69.931.000] hete pepper [NOOB] vs. Cutschurft [HIVE] (A: 6.552.000, V: 63.379.000)

0 153

[TOT: 120.488.000] Hete Pepper [Origin] vs. CrAzYwAp (A: 2.661.000, V: 117.827.000)

0 153

Nog eentje dan.. [TOT: 1.006.773.000] Powersmurf [BOT] vs. Lieutenant Spirit (A: 0, V: 1.006.773.000)

1 154


[TOT: 77.121.000] hete pepper [NOOB] vs. Epuch [HIVE] (A: 7.110.000, V: 70.011.000)

0 156

FARM [TOT: 414.214.000] Powersmurf [BOT] vs. ROVEPIXEL [PIXEL] (A: 55.335.000, V: 358.879.000)

2 156


[TOT: 233.503.000] Powersmurf [BOT] vs. Mogul Spacewalk [FEAR] (A: 960.000, V: 232.543.000)

0 156

[TOT: 385.963.000] Jelly015 [DIG] vs. Geep [HIVE] (A: 50.158.000, V: 335.805.000)

0 157

2/2 [TOT: 1.480.366.000] Powersmurf [DOG] vs. Technocrat Gemini [Scream] (A: 0, V: 1.480.366.000)

0 157

[TOT: 33.140.000] Edward Teach [royal] vs. Proconsul Crux [HIVE] (A: 5.307.000, V: 27.833.000)

1 159


[TOT: 128.156.000] Powersmurf [BOT] vs. Governor Sun (A: 0, V: 128.156.000)

0 159

[TOT: 156.267.000] Powersmurf [DOG] vs. Czar Atlas (A: 16.490.000, V: 139.777.000)

0 159

[TOT: 19.516.000] hete pepper [NOOB] vs. Loco Loos [GEN] (A: 901.000, V: 18.615.000)

0 160

[TOT: 272.707.000] Hete Pepper [Origin] vs. Pitbulll [royal] (A: 5.950.000, V: 266.757.000)

0 160

[TOT: 137.377.000] Jelly015 [DIG] vs. StoryTeller (A: 21.131.000, V: 116.246.000)

0 162

[TOT: 173.802.500] Pitbulll [royal] vs. Geologist Volans [nld] (A: 17.996.000, V: 155.806.500)

0 164

[TOT: 45.795.000] hete pepper [NOOB] vs. StoryTeller (A: 5.795.000, V: 40.000.000)

2 165


[TOT: 1.501.961.000] Knabbel [BOT] vs. ToxicologyReport (A: 115.385.000, V: 1.386.576.000)

2 165


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