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Announcement Hall of Fame regels

0 29,267

Announcement Overzicht Top 10 ~ Uriel

  • Lord
  • Lord
0 1,221

[TOT: 261.598.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Belastingdienst [MoO] (A: 10.030.000, V: 251.568.000)

0 75

[TOT: 80.443.500] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Belastingdienst [MoO] (A: 0, V: 80.443.500)

0 78

[TOT: 88.487.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Belastingdienst [MoO] (A: 145.000, V: 88.342.000)

0 77

[TOT: 160.596.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Belastingdienst [MoO] (A: 0, V: 160.596.000)

0 81

[TOT: 20.568.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Belastingdienst [MoO] (A: 0, V: 20.568.000)

0 120

[TOT: 168.988.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Galaxy [MoO] (A: 680.000, V: 168.308.000)

0 181

[TOT: 222.559.000] ADMIRAAL INSI [F-E-L] vs. Belastingdienst [MoO] (A: 8.700.000, V: 213.859.000)

0 92

[TOT: 124.492.000] ADMIRAAL INSI [F-E-L] vs. Belastingdienst [MoO] (A: 5.336.000, V: 119.156.000)

0 101

[TOT: 177.815.000] ADMIRAAL INSI [F-E-L] vs. Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] (A: 6.523.000, V: 171.292.000)

0 152

[TOT: 127.976.000] ADMIRAAL INSI [F-E-L] vs. Belastingdienst [MoO] (A: 10.907.000, V: 117.069.000)

0 157

[TOT: 12.339.500] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Galaxy [MoO] (A: 0, V: 12.339.500)

0 155

[TOT: 15.488.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Galaxy [MoO] (A: 0, V: 15.488.000)

0 173

[TOT: 399.987.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Galaxy [MoO] (A: 170.000, V: 399.817.000)

0 85

[TOT: 766.905.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. kale [MoO] (A: 20.064.000, V: 746.841.000)

0 178

[TOT: 1.232.304.500] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Whitecheddar [1 KdStb] (A: 0, V: 1.232.304.500)

0 390

[TOT: 364.005.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Artifex Magnus [Senatus] (A: 1.105.000, V: 362.900.000)

0 561

[TOT: 564.299.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Zeeschuimer [MoO] (A: 4.200.000, V: 560.099.000)

0 659

[TOT: 241.068.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Zeeschuimer [MoO] (A: 0, V: 241.068.000)

0 516

[TOT: 112.550.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Zeeschuimer [MoO] (A: 640.000, V: 111.910.000)

0 632

[TOT: 109.437.000] Hete Pepper [2Hard 4u] vs. Gestopt [F-E-L] (A: 85.000, V: 109.352.000)

0 673
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