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Announcement Hall of Fame regels

0 29,426

Announcement Overzicht Top 10 ~ Xanthus

  • Lord
  • Lord
0 2,123

[TOT: 119.201.000] Tripeltje vs. Foxx [B00m] (A: 10.925.000, V: 108.276.000)

0 192

[TOT: 12.866.080.000] Lord Leto [n00dles] vs. Donanzone [RAF] (A: 2.350.328.000, V: 10.515.752.000)

2 3,341


[TOT: 125.905.500] Pokerman [Bar] vs. Jelly015 [Whololo] (A: 119.000.000, V: 6.905.500)

11 786


[TOT: 126.482.000] Fluttershy [B00m] vs. Proconsul Vostok [DEF] (A: 340.000, V: 126.142.000)

0 168

[TOT: 130.041.500] Lolo Pepito vs. Azioli (A: 19.544.000, V: 110.497.500)

2 379


[TOT: 134.804.000] Fluttershy [B00m] vs. Chief Duntec [WOA] (A: 1.980.000, V: 132.824.000)

0 176

[TOT: 149.945.000] Jelly015 [Whololo] vs. Blindfury [J Joh] (A: 30.927.000, V: 119.018.000)

0 204

[TOT: 150.704.000] Tripeltje vs. Foxx [B00m] (A: 12.032.000, V: 138.672.000)

0 301

[TOT: 164.755.000] Lord Leto [B00m] vs. Moongiver [CFD] (A: 25.807.000, V: 138.948.000)

2 261


[TOT: 17.994.000] Martinus [Whololo] vs. McTackleBerry (A: 290.000, V: 17.704.000)

3 460


[TOT: 175.927.000] Lolo Pepito [B00m] vs. Stadtholder Wezen [fdm] (A: 19.560.000, V: 156.367.000)

1 243


[TOT: 198.902.000] Jelly015 [Whololo] vs. thegodfather [MS13] (A: 19.922.000, V: 178.980.000)

0 318

[TOT: 2.054.366.000] MrSaw [PFC] vs. DJHOLLAND [DEF] (A: 113.915.000, V: 1.940.451.000)

2 362


[TOT: 2.109.456.000] Fluttershy [B00m] vs. Lieutenant Deimos (A: 640.881.000, D: 1.468.575.000)

5 540

Xera X

[TOT: 2.330.653.000] Fluttershy [B00m] & Meesteres Donna [B00m] & Terra [Whololo] & Lord Leto [B00m] vs. Captain Gemini [fdm] (A: 268.112.000, V: 2.062.541.000)

8 986


[TOT: 2.421.676.000] Czar Bukowski vs. Despair (A: 175.720.000, V: 2.245.956.000)

1 9,862


[TOT: 2.559.183.000] Fluttershy [B00m] vs. Maverick [Thufmon] (A: 409.854.000, V: 2.149.329.000)

2 513


[TOT: 2.576.125.000] Fluttershy [B00m] vs. Wuppo [UDD] (A: 497.416.000, D: 2.078.709.000)

5 564


[TOT: 205.099.000] Czar Cletus [CFD] vs. Stadtholder Wezen [fdm] (A: 480.000, V: 204.619.000)

2 422


[TOT: 209.371.000] Tripeltje [B en B] vs. Moongiver [CFD] (A: 28.188.000, V: 181.183.000)

3 302


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