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Announcement Hall of Fame regels

0 29,469

[TOT: 175.968.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Teletubbiebal (A: 11.211.000, D: 164.757.000)

  • Piraat
  • xeneM
1 295


[TOT: 416.818.500] Proconsul Piraat vs. Commodore Thrust (A: 69.160.000, D: 347.658.500)

  • Piraat
  • Piraat
0 214

[TOT: 844.799.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Prog Music (A: 190.954.000, D: 653.845.000)

1 226


[TOT: 89.359.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Indominator (A: 3.260.000, D: 86.099.000)

0 152

[TOT: 315.781.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. HollandseGroente (A: 38.666.000, D: 277.115.000)

1 226


[TOT: 55.462.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Tristan89 (A: 0, D: 55.462.000)

  • Piraat
  • Piraat
0 151

[TOT: 8.181.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Tristan89 (A: 0, D: 8.181.000)

  • Piraat
  • Piraat
0 136

[TOT: 364.247.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. lord drogon (A: 46.445.000, D: 317.802.000)

1 365


[TOT: 117.472.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Rayek (A: 1.450.000, D: 116.022.000)

  • Piraat
  • Piraat
2 353


[TOT: 1.376.161.000] Proconsul Piraat & Czar Pegasus vs. Brutal Bas (A: 223.369.000, D: 1.152.792.000)

1 277


[TOT: 1.208.653.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Saint-gyzmo (A: 225.549.000, D: 983.104.000)

  • Piraat
  • Piraat
4 609


[TOT: 190.085.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. lord drogon (A: 19.805.000, D: 170.280.000)

  • Piraat
  • xeneM
1 291


[TOT: 529.194.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. I2eplay (A: 66.867.000, D: 462.327.000)

2 305


[TOT: 814.175.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Criceta (A: 137.276.000, D: 676.899.000)

1 305


[TOT: 162.248.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Shirohebii (A: 15.370.000, D: 146.878.000)

1 248


[TOT: 690.892.500] DragonCrusher vs. Seahawk (A: 171.057.000, D: 519.835.500)

1 337


[NEW#1][TOT: 1.511.262.000] Commodore Sunspot vs. Bitburgerr (A: 409.633.000, D: 1.101.629.000)

3 593


[TOT: 62.520.000] Schroothoop vs. Drilava (A: 60.000.000, D: 2.520.000)

0 149

[TOT: 66.332.000] Schroothoop vs. Drilava (A: 60.000.000, D: 6.332.000)

0 176

[TOT: 69.196.000] Schroothoop vs. Drilava (A: 60.000.000, D: 9.196.000)

0 169
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