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Announcement Hall of Fame regels

0 29,521

[TOT:] Commodore Sunspot vs. Darth yuzu (A: 1.109.482.000, D: 2.944.646.000)

1 283


[TOT: 389.250.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Andromeda & Ysmar90 (A: 19.250.000, D: 370.000.000)

0 187

[TOT: 383.106.000] Bankai vs. toppie (A: 14.875.000, D: 368.231.000)

0 1,303

[TOT: 381.078.000] Bankai vs. Darth yuzu (A: 12.095.000, D: 368.983.000)

0 1,715

[TOT: 377.642.000] Captain Spacepants [MiC] vs. Renegade Aries [SPQR] (A: 82.780.000, V: 294.862.000)

1 446


[TOT: 364.247.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. lord drogon (A: 46.445.000, D: 317.802.000)

1 365


[TOT: 347.360.000] Bankai vs. Watermelon (A: 47.360.000, D: 300.000.000)

0 531

[TOT: 344.528.500] Proconsul Piraat vs. The Incredibles (A: 24.695.000, D: 319.833.500)

0 267

[TOT: 344.013.000] Bankai vs. Captain Cat (A: 12.165.000, D: 331.848.000)

1 289


[TOT: 342.516.500] Bankai vs. President Krynnix (A: 50.704.000, D: 291.812.500)

1 1,080


[TOT: 32.050.000] Bankai vs. Mogul Vektor (A: 0, D: 32.050.000)

0 91

[TOT: 315.781.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. HollandseGroente (A: 38.666.000, D: 277.115.000)

1 226


[TOT: 302.258.000] Starlight [fail] vs. Darth yuzu [SPQR] (A: 43.224.000, D: 259.034.000)

1 3,341

Lord Ike

[TOT: 3.571.522.000] Commodore Sunspot vs. Commander Phoebe (A: 207.152.000, D: 3.364.370.000)

2 505


[TOT: 3.292.548.000] Commodore Sunspot vs. Drax detroyer (A: 796.055.000, D: 2.496.493.000)

1 269


[TOT: 28.176.000] Bankai vs. Mogul Vektor (A: 0, D: 28.176.000)

0 97

[TOT: 27.100.000] Bankai vs. Infinity (A: 320.000, D: 26.780.000)

0 1,473

[TOT: 263.519.000] Commodore Sunspot vs. Sja-rell (A: 14.481.000, D: 249.038.000)

1 306


[TOT: 257.943.000] Proconsul Metis [B en B] vs. Kapsalon yaprak [NEO] (A: 29.849.000, V: 228.094.000)

2 360


[TOT: 250.296.000] Commodore Thrust vs. Bankai (A: 217.000.000, D: 33.296.000)

0 1,996
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