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Announcement Hall of Fame regels

0 29,521

[TOT: 247.920.500] Bankai vs. tinus tussengas (A: 12.220.000, D: 235.700.500)

1 535


[TOT: 240.455.000] Proconsul Metis vs. Kapsalon yaprak (A: 9.639.000, D: 230.816.000)

0 224

[TOT: 237.465.000] Bankai vs. Geologist Stingray (A: 20.225.000, D: 217.240.000)

0 195

[TOT: 235.380.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Shirohebii (A: 29.638.000, D: 205.742.000)

0 183

[TOT: 227.448.000] Proconsul Metis vs. Pimmos (A: 9.884.000, D: 217.564.000)

2 317


[TOT: 21.612.000] Bankai vs. belgnes (A: 0, D: 21.612.000)

0 143

[TOT: 21.550.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Samasons (A: 90.000, D: 21.460.000)

1 490


[TOT: 2.804.717.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Lord Ike (A: 537.374.000, D: 2.267.343.000)

2 381


[TOT: 2.663.989.000] Commodore Sunspot vs. Ai0ki (A: 538.276.000, D: 2.125.713.000)

1 259


[TOT: 2.585.639.000] Commodore Sunspot vs. Criceta (A: 244.426.000, D: 2.341.213.000)

6 650


[TOT: 2.312.397.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. MrMM (A: 399.724.000, D: 1.912.673.000)

1 330


[TOT: 2.290.949.000] Commodore Sunspot & Schroothoop vs. DragonCrusher (A: 365.436.000, D: 1.925.513.000)

3 357


[TOT: 2.066.563.000] Bankai & Starlight vs. Darth yuzu (A: 342.639.000, D: 1.723.924.000)

2 2,758


[TOT: 193.638.000] Bankai vs. Bandit Flyby (A: 10.080.000, D: 183.558.000)

0 1,395

[TOT: 190.085.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. lord drogon (A: 19.805.000, D: 170.280.000)

  • Piraat
  • xeneM
1 291


[TOT: 180.407.500] Bankai vs. EE-Ultra (A: 160.000, D: 180.247.500)

0 2,055

[TOT: 179.975.000] Bankai vs. MOOK187 (A: 4.160.000, D: 175.815.000)

0 421

[TOT: 175.968.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Teletubbiebal (A: 11.211.000, D: 164.757.000)

  • Piraat
  • xeneM
1 295


[TOT: 166.720.500] Bankai vs. King Koch (A: 480.000, D: 166.240.500)

1 299


[TOT: 162.248.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Shirohebii (A: 15.370.000, D: 146.878.000)

1 248


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