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Announcement Hall of Fame regels

0 29,521

[TOT: 16.558.500] Vreselyk vs. Commander Wasat (A: 1.908.000, D: 14.650.500)

0 176

[TOT: 16.272.500] Bankai vs. belgnes (A: 0, D: 16.272.500)

0 103

[TOT: 157.172.000] Proconsul Metis vs. Tristan89 (A: 14.595.000, D: 142.577.000)

0 169

[TOT: 154.627.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. lord drogon (A: 18.212.000, D: 136.415.000)

0 389

[TOT: 154.530.000] Drilava vs. Commander Puck (A: 13.659.000, D: 140.871.000)

0 195

[TOT: 146.017.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Sja-rell (A: 16.065.000, D: 129.952.000)

0 196

[TOT: 145.165.000] Bankai vs. Finzel (A: 160.000, D: 145.005.000)

0 214

[TOT: 133.481.500] Proconsul Metis [B en B] vs. HollandseGroente [SPQR] (A: 14.420.000, V: 119.061.500)

1 442


[TOT: 13.431.000] Bankai vs. belgnes (A: 0, D: 13.431.000)

0 188

[TOT: 117.472.000] Proconsul Piraat vs. Rayek (A: 1.450.000, D: 116.022.000)

  • Piraat
  • Piraat
2 354


[TOT: 109.515.000] Bankai vs. Procurator Pollux (A: 0, D: 109.515.000)

0 337

[TOT: 106.288.500] Bankai vs. Schim (A: 640.000, D: 105.648.500)

0 431

[TOT: 104.173.500] Bankai vs. KUSH (A: 0, D: 104.173.500)

1 516


[TOT: 10.612.500] Watermelon vs. Bankai (A: 10.000.000, D: 612.500)

1 2,250


[TOT: 1.998.620.000] Commodore Sunspot vs. Mr_yellow (A: 215.960.000, D: 1.782.660.000)

1 240


[TOT: 1.995.724.000] Commodore Sunspot vs. Jaghound (A: 302.168.000, D: 1.693.556.000)

1 324


[TOT: 1.685.482.000] Schim vs. Proconsul Piraat (A: 1.108.432.000, D: 577.050.000)

1 222


[TOT: 1.638.965.000] Commodore Sunspot vs. Infinity (A: 137.632.000, D: 1.501.333.000)

1 325


[TOT: 1.637.496.000] Commodore Sunspot vs. Blondie (A: 216.187.000, D: 1.421.309.000)

1 272


[TOT: 1.628.712.000] Bankai vs. Mogul Spica (A: 174.150.000, D: 1.454.562.000)

2 968


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