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  • Udpate : 7 May 2018 to 19 juny 2018 Group 1 : No record this month for this group. ☹ Group 2 : - Alakhai il furbo ( takes the record of Robotics Factory : 21 - Alakhai il furbo ( takes the record of Shipyard : 23 - Alakhai il furbo ( takes the record of Research Lab : 20 - FitzChivalry ( takes the record of small cargo : 1 251 094 - Alakhai il furbo ( takes the record of Rocket Launcher on moon : 630 000 - Alakhai il furbo ( takes the record of Light L…

  • Udpate : 05 april 2018 to 08 may We also create a new record list. The "real" list of Ogame's world records since it brings together all the universes without distinction. And it is also Neroz who will take care of updating it. You can find this new list at this address :…tID=11737970#post11737970 Update : Group 1 : - Bad Karma (Univers takes the number record of Cruisers : 1.270.000 Group 2 : - Alakhai Il Furbo (Univers takes the number record of Ant…

  • Udpate : 06 March 2018 to 4 april 2018 Group 1 : No news records for this month. Group 2 : - Sinéad ( takes the number record of Small Cargo : 1.200.000 - RuRi (Univers takes the number record of Battleships : 500.225 - Alakhai il furbo (univers improves his number record of Heavy Laser on Moon : 120.000 Group 3 : - Captain Kirk (Univers takes the number record of Light Fighters : 8.820.089 - Shadowblade ( takes the number record of Bombers. : 30.300 - Mo…

  • Update 01 february 2018 to 5 march 2018 ! Group 1: - Famine (Univers takes the record of the number of Battleships : 316.556 - Aro (Univers takes the record of the number of Battlecruisers : 977.018 - Chorizo (Univers take the record number of Small Cargo : 1.382.690 - Ebrawurst (Univers takes the record level of Hyperespace propulsion : 18 Group 2: - Jean Michel (Univers 1.en) takes the record of the number of Destroyers : 600.000 - FitzChivalry ( take the reco…

  • Update for 16th january to 31th january : Group 1 : - Exterminator (Universe takes the record of Robotics Factory on Planet : 20 - Aro (Universe takes the record for the number of Light Fighter : 10.140.471 - Aro (Universe takes the record for the number of Cruisers : 1.259.373 - Aro (Universe takes the record number of Battlecruiser : 324.476 - Yes Man (Universe takes the record number of Recycler : 1.000.000 - Hemorrhoid (Universe takesthe record of the…

  • Update for 1th january to 15th january : Update for Group 1 : - Laser Technology level 23 by Zefir - Ion Technology level 22 by Zefir - Hyperspace Technology level 19 by Zefir - Badkarma (Universe improves his record number of light fighters : 5.555.571 - Badkarma (Universe improves his record number of recyclers : 700.460 - Infest ( takes the record number of lunar heavy laser : 127.500 - Infest (Universe takes the record number of lunar plasma turret : 18.300 - …

  • Hi OGamer of Netherlands ! Since several months, French community work on the implementation to OGame world records.…tID=11681312#post11681312 This one was revealed to the French community, we wish to allow the international communities participate too. With the aim of improving the reliability of the list of the records by giving a direct possibility to recordmen to show itself and also to create a real interaction between OGame communities. Before going farther t…