Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 48.

  • Gegroet Avonturier! Zoals je misschien reeds gemerkt hebt is de Gameforge Authenticator App niet langer beschikbaar in verschillende app stores. Dit betekent dat nieuwe installaties niet langer mogelijk zijn. Indien je de app reeds geïnstalleerd hebt op je smartphone kan je deze gewoon blijven gebruiken. Hou er wel rekening mee dat als je ervoor kiest on deze te deïnstalleren, je deze niet opnieuw zal kunnen downloaden. Indien je two-factor authenticatie wilt gebruiken om je account te bescherme…

  • OGame Mobile Release

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Hello commanders! It was the 26th of April, when we not just announced our biggest content update in history, “OGame Lifeforms”, but with “OGame Mobile” also one of our most challenging projects ever. Finally bringing the game we all love to the palm of your hand. Further down the road, on the 1st of June, we invited all of you to take part in our public beta, following smaller testing groups which gave us feedback on our designs and first technical approaches long before that time. With all you…

  • Christmas Event Universes 2021

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Terms and Conditions for Participation in Raffles and Competitions [Continued from previous post] 7.Determination of the Winners Gameforge will determine the winners in the manner described in the Announcement. If no criteria for determining the winners are specified, Gameforge will determine the winners at its sole discretion, especially if the required participation action includes creative works from the participants that are subject to a subjective evaluation. 8.Notification and Announcement…

  • Christmas Event Universes 2021

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Terms and Conditions for Participation in Raffles and Competitions 1.Subject These ‘Conditions’ govern the participation in raffles and competitions (‘Contest(s)’) organised by the Gameforge 4D GmbH, Albert-Nestler-Straße 8, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany (‘Gameforge’). Deviating or supplementary rules in the ‘Announcement’ of an individual Contest shall take precedence over these Terms and Conditions in the event of contradictions. 2.Eligibility - All users of legal age, who comply with the requireme…

  • Christmas Event Universes 2021

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Dear players, Are you ready for Christmas? xmas.jpg We are opening 7 temporary servers on 16th of December! They will be available for a full month and we will be running an event between 16th and 30th of December! These servers will open in the following languages: EN DE FR PL TR IT ES By creating an account in any of the event servers you are already taking part in the event. The specific timestamp when the event servers are starting and when the event itself is ending the 30th of December wil…

  • Hotfix version 8.1.0 37930

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Dear players, today, 19th of July at 11:00, we implemented a hotfix to live universes. Changelog: [Hotfix] Attacking a bandit will grant now 100% of the loot. [Hotfix] The graveyard server will be updated to the current version. Your OGame Team

  • Daily login bonus

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Dear players, starting today (16th of July) we will have another daily login bonus event. This event will have 7 tiers. By login in the game each day you will be able to unlock your reward directly. The event is starting at 14:10 (after the new servers start). Note: the commanding staff still grants the 20% extra tritium per tier. Your OGame Team

  • Inactivity script vragen

    Lorovus - - Algemeen


    Any amount of unused paid dark matter is sufficient to prevent the deletion of your player account. Target universe age: that's right, universes younger than 3 months are invalid targets. A player may not merge to such universes. If a player wants to return to their home universe (the universe they were moved from by the system to the graveyard), the top 20 restriction doesn't apply to that transfer. So yes, they can return to their home uni even if they would be top20 there. Due to technical re…

  • Inactivity script vragen

    Lorovus - - Algemeen


    Quote from Independence: “@Lorovus Could you explain in this topic how it works and what we can expect on how everything goes into play here? When can someone leave the graveyard server after being put there? Can you also use the token to go to other communities? Etc. ” Ah, I missed this tag, my bad. In short, if you are inactive for 60 days with paid, unused DM on your player account, the script will transfer your account to the graveyard uni. Then you have the option to merge that account to a…

  • Merge 2020

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Dear Players! An update is planned for today that should fix the copying of honour points in the merge process as well as with the transfer item. Players who merge or transfer after this update will have their honour points carried over too. Honour points of those players who migrated before this update will unfortunately remain as is.

  • Merge 2020

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Dear Players! The update mentioned above is being delayed until further notice.

  • ALGEMENE VOORWAARDEN De volgende voorwaarden hebben betrekking op de uitvoering van het ‘OGame Reaper Battle 2020’ (‘competitie’), georganiseerd door Gameforge 4D GmbH, Albert-Nestler-Strasse 8, 76131 Karlsruhe, Duitsland (‘Gameforge’). 1. Geschiktheid, Deelnemers en Deelname (1) Deelname aan de competitie is gratis. Alle volwassen gebruikers, die voldoen aan de vereisten van de Standaard Algemene Gebruiksvoorwaarden, en die een persoonlijk, actief account (‘account’) voor zi…

  • Dear players! With the new app, your Gameforge account is now protected even more effectively without any cost. Thanks to two-factor authentication, the scores and inventories of your favorite games can remain secure. Available now for Android and iOS! Android:…d=com.gameforge.mobileapp IOS: Our video production team helped us put together this short video for your knowledge, and entertainment Using the…

  • Version 7.1.1-rc3

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Dear players! On Monday, 27th of January we will update the game with a new version. The update will be done in UK at 10:00 CET. The rest of the languages will be updated at 13:00 CET. Changelog: [Feature] Crystal bonus for planet positions 1 2 and 3 in the galaxy. Position 1: +15% Position 2: +10% Position 3: +7,5% This has been designed to supply the lack of merchant and therefore the lack of crystal in the servers. We would like to hear your opinion about the different percentages. As this ha…

  • Update 7.1.0-rc15

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Dear Players! yesterday at 13:00 CET we had a new version implemented with a few fixes: - The DiDF factor is fixed in the servers where it is active. - The fleetbox has a stable loading time now. - The transport mission for the espionage probes in the servers where the cargo is active is available again. - The amount of offers per page in the marketplace has been changed from 10 to 25. OGame Team

  • Dear Players! The configuration of all the new server settings has started. The actual update could take up to an hour to start after the settings are done. Since the update is WW, meaning, most of the servers have to go through it, it could take up to 4 hours to have the update visible in all servers. We are moving forward, but please be patient. Thank you for your understanding. OGame Team

  • Update Mega content 7.1 13-12-2019

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Dear Players! The update has been postponed to 14:00 today.

  • New version 7.1.0-rc11

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    The list of changes is the following. - Fixed a bug where the function to switch pages on the marketplace was broken. - Fixed a bug where the clickable range on marketplace ranges when opening a new offer did not work correctly. - Fixed a bug where defence appeared in wreckfields. - Took out the bonus of the Discoverer class on expeditions for Dark Matter. - Fixed a bug where you couldn't send your fleet while your energy is negative. - Fixed a bug where your bonus productions (items, commanding…

  • New version 7.1.0-rc11

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Dear Players! We are having an update with hotfixes at 16:00 CET today. The update will come to all servers that already contain MCO (that's Kallisto for us). The list of bugfixes will be published as soon as possible. OGame Team

  • MCO event winners

    Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel


    Dear Players! Here is the list of international winners for the MCO event! 1. DE Technocrat Trojan 453.876 points 2. FR Astar 430.669 points 3. PL Free Moons 393.848 points 4. DE kOeGy 371.175 points 5. US ALS 350.732 points 6. PL Fess 347.061 points 7. PL Metaphysics 342.019 points 8. PL ale cios 333.727 points 9. DE Tsy 327.416 points 10. PL Shimano 309.267 points 11. FR Napoleon I 302.883 point 12. FR Louis XIV 281.953 points 13. FR RGKT 281.065 points 14. FR Zykra 268.529 points 15. FR Balka…