846 Feb 2nd 2020, 12:03am wait forr ittt its tom sorry gorilla! There is no good and evil. There is only power... and those too weak to seek it. Voldemort is my past, present, and future.
850 Feb 2nd 2020, 12:59am nope its me! is onze pimp barney nog aanwezig :P? There is no good and evil. There is only power... and those too weak to seek it. Voldemort is my past, present, and future.
852 Feb 2nd 2020, 1:13am nee tom nogsteeds! unleasher? of al naar bed? There is no good and evil. There is only power... and those too weak to seek it. Voldemort is my past, present, and future.
853 Feb 2nd 2020, 1:17am neeej neej nog niet in bed, koekjes aan t bakken haha XD en beetje raiden ofc Voldemort dan weer?
854 Feb 2nd 2020, 9:57am De naam wie je niet mag uitspreken is verslagen door Harry! Notuul? Thanks Syrabi