[TOT: 384.340.500] Scaapiee [FREE] vs. Nexon [REP] (A: 52.141.000, D: 332.199.500)

    • [TOT: 384.340.500] Scaapiee [FREE] vs. Nexon [REP] (A: 52.141.000, D: 332.199.500)

      Lag een aardig bultje gs achter zn muur.. Dat halen we met alle liefde op..

      Def GL@RB

      On 17-04-2019 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

      Attacker Scaapiee [FREE]

      Destroyer 10.000
      Battleship 10.000
      Battlecruiser 10.000
      Light Fighter 130.000
      Heavy Fighter 10.000
      Cruiser 30.000

      Defender Nexon [REP]

      Large Cargo 1.500
      Cruiser 12
      Recycler 5
      Solar Satellite 519
      Rocket Launcher 33.038
      Light Laser 17.499
      Heavy Laser 5.000
      Gauss Cannon 2.500
      Ion Cannon 1.250
      Plasma Turret 529
      Small Shield Dome 1
      Large Shield Dome 1

      After the battle ...

      Attacker Scaapiee [FREE]

      Destroyer 9.999 ( -1 )
      Battleship 9.972 ( -28 )
      Battlecruiser 9.979 ( -21 )
      Light Fighter 121.758 ( -8.242 )
      Heavy Fighter 9.709 ( -291 )
      Cruiser 29.563 ( -437 )

      Defender Nexon [REP]


      The attacker has won the battle!

      The attacker captured:
      36.407.016 Metal, 18.224.739 Crystal and 3.266.706 Deuterium

      The attacker lost a total of 52.141.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 332.199.500 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 23.226.000 metal and 11.963.500 crystal.
      The attacker captured a total of 57.898.461 units.

      The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
      The attacker(s) captured the debris.

      Summary of profit/losses:

      Summary attackers(s)

      Metal: 22.471.016
      Crystal: 16.413.239
      Deuterium: 2.062.706
      The attacker(s) made a profit of 40.946.961 units.

      Summary defender(s)

      Metal: -247.031.516
      Crystal: -118.636.239
      Deuterium: -24.430.206
      The defender(s) lost a total of 390.097.961 units.

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