Altijd een leuke rivaliteit met je!
Het was dan ook geen verassing dat ik je id gaten hield. Zeker nadat ik mn gehele vloot ben kwijt geraakt mede dankzij jou..
Maar dit keer was het weer mijn beurt
Tijdje id gaten gehouden, maar was al snel duidelijk dat je grote gaten laat vallen.. Spot, sim, fly was dus the way to go.
Heren, bedankt voor de hulp! Zonder jullie was dit niet zo snel gelukt.
Shino, ik begreep van je dat je stopt. Zou jammer zijn zoals ik al zei, maar een begrijpelijke keuze gezien t leven in de uni. Mocht je toch besluiten door te gaan een GL@RB gewenst en zo niet GL@RL
On 28-04-2019 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Scaapiee [FREE]
Destroyer 10.000
Battleship 10.000
Battlecruiser 10.000
Small Cargo 31.825
Light Fighter 125.000
Heavy Fighter 10.000
Cruiser 30.174
Attacker Chezzy [FREE]
Destroyer 3.143
Light Fighter 125.003
Bomber 996
Heavy Fighter 18.335
Cruiser 69.174
Battleship 13.483
Battlecruiser 3.998
Small Cargo 33.378
Attacker Doedelss [Predator]
Battleship 991
Battlecruiser 25.991
Defender Shinovu [LoT]
Small Cargo 21.000
Large Cargo 11.000
Light Fighter 200.000
Heavy Fighter 5.000
Cruiser 40.000
Battleship 20.150
Colony Ship 7
Recycler 55.000
Espionage Probe 333
Destroyer 6.000
Deathstar 14
Battlecruiser 22.000
Rocket Launcher 2.000
Small Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Scaapiee [FREE]
Destroyer 9.890 ( -110 )
Battleship 9.574 ( -426 )
Battlecruiser 9.814 ( -186 )
Small Cargo 11.139 ( -20.686 )
Light Fighter 43.782 ( -81.218 )
Heavy Fighter 4.763 ( -5.237 )
Cruiser 23.571 ( -6.603 )
Attacker Chezzy [FREE]
Destroyer 3.111 ( -32 )
Light Fighter 44.005 ( -80.998 )
Bomber 981 ( -15 )
Heavy Fighter 8.760 ( -9.575 )
Cruiser 53.904 ( -15.270 )
Battleship 12.939 ( -544 )
Battlecruiser 3.902 ( -96 )
Small Cargo 11.635 ( -21.743 )
Attacker Doedelss [Predator]
Battleship 961 ( -30 )
Battlecruiser 25.557 ( -434 )
Defender Shinovu [LoT]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
61.009.388 Metal, 53.658.299 Crystal and 158.853.501 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 1.740.977.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 7.189.633.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 2.629.204.000 metal and 1.493.635.500 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 273.521.188 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
Debris harvested by the attacker(s):
859.180.000 Metal and 859.180.000 Crystal
827.697.000 Metal and 634.473.000 Crystal
942.327.000 Metal and 0 Crystal
Total debris harvested by the attacker(s):
2.629.204.000 Metal and 1.493.653.000 Crystal
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 1.516.625.388
Crystal: 1.036.763.299
Deuterium: 102.012.501
The attacker(s) made a profit of 2.655.401.188 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -4.149.839.388
Crystal: -2.530.391.299
Deuterium: -782.923.501
The defender(s) lost a total of 7.463.154.188 units.
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Het was dan ook geen verassing dat ik je id gaten hield. Zeker nadat ik mn gehele vloot ben kwijt geraakt mede dankzij jou..
Maar dit keer was het weer mijn beurt

Tijdje id gaten gehouden, maar was al snel duidelijk dat je grote gaten laat vallen.. Spot, sim, fly was dus the way to go.
Heren, bedankt voor de hulp! Zonder jullie was dit niet zo snel gelukt.
Shino, ik begreep van je dat je stopt. Zou jammer zijn zoals ik al zei, maar een begrijpelijke keuze gezien t leven in de uni. Mocht je toch besluiten door te gaan een GL@RB gewenst en zo niet GL@RL
On 28-04-2019 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Scaapiee [FREE]
Destroyer 10.000
Battleship 10.000
Battlecruiser 10.000
Small Cargo 31.825
Light Fighter 125.000
Heavy Fighter 10.000
Cruiser 30.174
Attacker Chezzy [FREE]
Destroyer 3.143
Light Fighter 125.003
Bomber 996
Heavy Fighter 18.335
Cruiser 69.174
Battleship 13.483
Battlecruiser 3.998
Small Cargo 33.378
Attacker Doedelss [Predator]
Battleship 991
Battlecruiser 25.991
Defender Shinovu [LoT]
Small Cargo 21.000
Large Cargo 11.000
Light Fighter 200.000
Heavy Fighter 5.000
Cruiser 40.000
Battleship 20.150
Colony Ship 7
Recycler 55.000
Espionage Probe 333
Destroyer 6.000
Deathstar 14
Battlecruiser 22.000
Rocket Launcher 2.000
Small Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Scaapiee [FREE]
Destroyer 9.890 ( -110 )
Battleship 9.574 ( -426 )
Battlecruiser 9.814 ( -186 )
Small Cargo 11.139 ( -20.686 )
Light Fighter 43.782 ( -81.218 )
Heavy Fighter 4.763 ( -5.237 )
Cruiser 23.571 ( -6.603 )
Attacker Chezzy [FREE]
Destroyer 3.111 ( -32 )
Light Fighter 44.005 ( -80.998 )
Bomber 981 ( -15 )
Heavy Fighter 8.760 ( -9.575 )
Cruiser 53.904 ( -15.270 )
Battleship 12.939 ( -544 )
Battlecruiser 3.902 ( -96 )
Small Cargo 11.635 ( -21.743 )
Attacker Doedelss [Predator]
Battleship 961 ( -30 )
Battlecruiser 25.557 ( -434 )
Defender Shinovu [LoT]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
61.009.388 Metal, 53.658.299 Crystal and 158.853.501 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 1.740.977.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 7.189.633.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 2.629.204.000 metal and 1.493.635.500 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 273.521.188 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
Debris harvested by the attacker(s):
859.180.000 Metal and 859.180.000 Crystal
827.697.000 Metal and 634.473.000 Crystal
942.327.000 Metal and 0 Crystal
Total debris harvested by the attacker(s):
2.629.204.000 Metal and 1.493.653.000 Crystal
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 1.516.625.388
Crystal: 1.036.763.299
Deuterium: 102.012.501
The attacker(s) made a profit of 2.655.401.188 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -4.149.839.388
Crystal: -2.530.391.299
Deuterium: -782.923.501
The defender(s) lost a total of 7.463.154.188 units.
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