Achja, beter dan niks. Alle kleine beetjes helpen. Toevallig gespot vanmiddag.
Def gl@rb.
On 17-05-2020 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Buckert [EOD]
Light Fighter 5.658
Heavy Fighter 8.769
Cruiser 3.393
Battleship 1.638
Battlecruiser 1.276
Reaper 692
Pathfinder 4.494
Defender kobeke88 [FSO]
Small Cargo 702
Large Cargo 845
Light Fighter 900
Heavy Fighter 30
Cruiser 75
Battleship 123
Recycler 44
Espionage Probe 2.413
Bomber 28
Solar Satellite 679
Destroyer 9
Battlecruiser 36
Crawler 512
Reaper 13
Pathfinder 36
Rocket Launcher 17.000
Light Laser 1.000
Heavy Laser 200
Gauss Cannon 60
Ion Cannon 20
Plasma Turret 18
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Buckert [EOD]
Light Fighter 5.116 ( -542 )
Heavy Fighter 8.529 ( -240 )
Cruiser 3.371 ( -22 )
Battleship 1.637 ( -1 )
Battlecruiser 1.276 ( -0 )
Reaper 692 ( -0 )
Pathfinder 4.463 ( -31 )
Defender kobeke88 [FSO]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
3.641.506 Metal, 346.994 Crystal and 77.856 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 6.227.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 86.206.500 units.
At these space coordinates now float 9.774.375 metal and 7.839.000 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 4.066.356 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
Debris harvested by the attacker(s):
3.258.125 Metal and 2.613.000 Crystal
9.774.375 Metal and 7.839.375 Crystal
Total debris harvested by the attacker(s):
13.032.500 Metal and 10.452.375 Crystal
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 12.875.006
Crystal: 8.663.369
Deuterium: -214.144
The attacker(s) made a profit of 21.324.231 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -64.867.506
Crystal: -21.934.994
Deuterium: -3.470.356
The defender(s) lost a total of 90.272.856 units.
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Def gl@rb.
On 17-05-2020 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Buckert [EOD]
Light Fighter 5.658
Heavy Fighter 8.769
Cruiser 3.393
Battleship 1.638
Battlecruiser 1.276
Reaper 692
Pathfinder 4.494
Defender kobeke88 [FSO]
Small Cargo 702
Large Cargo 845
Light Fighter 900
Heavy Fighter 30
Cruiser 75
Battleship 123
Recycler 44
Espionage Probe 2.413
Bomber 28
Solar Satellite 679
Destroyer 9
Battlecruiser 36
Crawler 512
Reaper 13
Pathfinder 36
Rocket Launcher 17.000
Light Laser 1.000
Heavy Laser 200
Gauss Cannon 60
Ion Cannon 20
Plasma Turret 18
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Buckert [EOD]
Light Fighter 5.116 ( -542 )
Heavy Fighter 8.529 ( -240 )
Cruiser 3.371 ( -22 )
Battleship 1.637 ( -1 )
Battlecruiser 1.276 ( -0 )
Reaper 692 ( -0 )
Pathfinder 4.463 ( -31 )
Defender kobeke88 [FSO]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
3.641.506 Metal, 346.994 Crystal and 77.856 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 6.227.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 86.206.500 units.
At these space coordinates now float 9.774.375 metal and 7.839.000 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 4.066.356 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
Debris harvested by the attacker(s):
3.258.125 Metal and 2.613.000 Crystal
9.774.375 Metal and 7.839.375 Crystal
Total debris harvested by the attacker(s):
13.032.500 Metal and 10.452.375 Crystal
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 12.875.006
Crystal: 8.663.369
Deuterium: -214.144
The attacker(s) made a profit of 21.324.231 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -64.867.506
Crystal: -21.934.994
Deuterium: -3.470.356
The defender(s) lost a total of 90.272.856 units.
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Hofcount: Draco 4 | Gemini 12 | Pegasus 0 | Taurus 21 | Uni10 92 | 2