Tsja, dat er niks meer gebeurd in deze uni wil niet zeggen dat ik niet af en toe kom spieken

On 03-06-2020 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Director Majoris [Prussia]
Battlecruiser 40.000
Small Cargo 250.000
Defender james T kirk [S_L]
Small Cargo 24.000
Large Cargo 78.000
Light Fighter 3.000
Colony Ship 1
Recycler 1.792
Espionage Probe 108
Deathstar 6
Rocket Launcher 587
Heavy Laser 10
Small Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Director Majoris [Prussia]
Battlecruiser 39.725 ( -275 )
Small Cargo 248.275 ( -1.725 )
Defender james T kirk [S_L]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured: Metal, 701.065.300 Crystal and 318.085.983 Deuterium
253.299.399 Metal, 175.266.325 Crystal and 79.521.495 Deuterium
63.324.850 Metal, 43.816.581 Crystal and 19.880.374 Deuterium
15.831.213 Metal, 10.954.146 Crystal and 4.970.094 Deuterium
3.957.803 Metal, 2.738.536 Crystal and 1.242.523 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 30.275.000 units.
Total damage attacker including follow-ups: 30.347.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 1.137.678.000 units.
Total damage defender including follow-ups: 1.139.936.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 292.315.000 metal and 284.165.000 crystal.
Extra debris caused by the follow-up(s): 18.000 metal and 18.000 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 2.707.152.220 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 1.630.207.863
Crystal: 1.203.537.888
Deuterium: 379.575.469
The attacker(s) made a profit of 3.213.321.220 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -1.925.980.863
Crystal: -1.487.812.888
Deuterium: -433.294.469
The defender(s) lost a total of 3.847.088.220 units.
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