Gisterochtend werd ik wakker met het droevige nieuws dat Fluttershy een van ze maantjes verloren was, en daarmee een subje;
Een van de aanstichters hiervan was Indus; die stond al op me lijstje; mja nu iets meer opgelet.
Voor ik ging slapen zag ik een timertje staan, en toch maar even gekeken, en ja hoor;
spotfly enzo.
Rest van het puin heeft indus zelf; die 6k nogwat recs gekocht heeft om te ruimen. Wel mooi, 1 of 2 weken terug had ik m nog op de ignore lijst gezet omdat ik constant gejank van hem kreeg over dm gebruik
2 laatste naraids hebben t niet gered vanwege de moondeff die ik over het oog gezien had. voortaan toch maar simmen ofzo.
GLRB deff, of niet; zie dat je zojuist vmodes ingegaan bent.

On 16-05-2021 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Pablo Emilio Escobar [STONKS]

Light Fighter 51.055
Heavy Fighter 4.790
Cruiser 10.482
Battleship 4.686
Battlecruiser 8.184
Reaper 169
Pathfinder 1.665
Defender Marshal Indus [GZV]

Small Cargo 3.669
Large Cargo 11.931
Light Fighter 19.326
Heavy Fighter 2.675
Cruiser 7.346
Battleship 521
Colony Ship 1
Recycler 9.030
Espionage Probe 25.644
Bomber 442
Destroyer 381
Deathstar 7
Battlecruiser 2.634
Reaper 267
Pathfinder 1.708
Heavy Laser 38
After the battle ...

Attacker Pablo Emilio Escobar [STONKS]
Light Fighter 17.355 ( -33.700 )
Heavy Fighter 2.685 ( -2.105 )
Cruiser 8.943 ( -1.539 )
Battleship 4.472 ( -214 )
Battlecruiser 7.876 ( -308 )
Reaper 159 ( -10 )
Pathfinder 1.415 ( -250 )
Defender Marshal Indus [GZV]
Small Cargo 0 ( -3.669 )
Large Cargo 0 ( -11.931 )
Light Fighter 0 ( -19.326 )
Heavy Fighter 0 ( -2.675 )
Cruiser 0 ( -7.346 )
Battleship 0 ( -521 )
Colony Ship 0 ( -1 )
Recycler 0 ( -9.030 )
Espionage Probe 0 ( -25.644 )
Bomber 0 ( -442 )
Destroyer 0 ( -381 )
Deathstar 7 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 0 ( -2.634 )
Reaper 0 ( -267 )
Pathfinder 0 ( -1.708 )
Heavy Laser 0 ( -38 )
The battle ends in a draw.
The attacker captured:
0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium
583.733 Metal, 583.733 Crystal and 583.734 Deuterium
128.289.076 Metal, 19.510.875 Crystal and 22.238.442 Deuterium
32.072.269 Metal, 4.877.718 Crystal and 5.559.610 Deuterium
0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium
0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 248.851.000 units.
Total damage attacker including follow-ups: 265.908.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 1.101.687.000 units.
Total damage defender including follow-ups: 1.172.367.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 590.634.171 metal and 396.193.830 crystal.
Extra debris caused by the follow-up(s): 34.980.800 metal and 27.168.800 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 214.299.190 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
Debris harvested by the attacker(s):
401.600.000 Metal and 401.600.000 Crystal
1.522.629 Metal and 1.021.370 Crystal
Total debris harvested by the attacker(s):
403.122.629 Metal and 402.621.370 Crystal
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 389.111.707
Crystal: 348.909.696
Deuterium: 13.113.786
The attacker(s) made a profit of 751.135.189 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -770.649.078
Crystal: -477.014.326
Deuterium: -139.002.786
The defender(s) lost a total of 1.386.666.190 units.
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Een van de aanstichters hiervan was Indus; die stond al op me lijstje; mja nu iets meer opgelet.
Voor ik ging slapen zag ik een timertje staan, en toch maar even gekeken, en ja hoor;
spotfly enzo.
Rest van het puin heeft indus zelf; die 6k nogwat recs gekocht heeft om te ruimen. Wel mooi, 1 of 2 weken terug had ik m nog op de ignore lijst gezet omdat ik constant gejank van hem kreeg over dm gebruik

2 laatste naraids hebben t niet gered vanwege de moondeff die ik over het oog gezien had. voortaan toch maar simmen ofzo.
GLRB deff, of niet; zie dat je zojuist vmodes ingegaan bent.

On 16-05-2021 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Pablo Emilio Escobar [STONKS]

Light Fighter 51.055
Heavy Fighter 4.790
Cruiser 10.482
Battleship 4.686
Battlecruiser 8.184
Reaper 169
Pathfinder 1.665
Defender Marshal Indus [GZV]

Small Cargo 3.669
Large Cargo 11.931
Light Fighter 19.326
Heavy Fighter 2.675
Cruiser 7.346
Battleship 521
Colony Ship 1
Recycler 9.030
Espionage Probe 25.644
Bomber 442
Destroyer 381
Deathstar 7
Battlecruiser 2.634
Reaper 267
Pathfinder 1.708
Heavy Laser 38
After the battle ...

Attacker Pablo Emilio Escobar [STONKS]
Light Fighter 17.355 ( -33.700 )
Heavy Fighter 2.685 ( -2.105 )
Cruiser 8.943 ( -1.539 )
Battleship 4.472 ( -214 )
Battlecruiser 7.876 ( -308 )
Reaper 159 ( -10 )
Pathfinder 1.415 ( -250 )
Defender Marshal Indus [GZV]
Small Cargo 0 ( -3.669 )
Large Cargo 0 ( -11.931 )
Light Fighter 0 ( -19.326 )
Heavy Fighter 0 ( -2.675 )
Cruiser 0 ( -7.346 )
Battleship 0 ( -521 )
Colony Ship 0 ( -1 )
Recycler 0 ( -9.030 )
Espionage Probe 0 ( -25.644 )
Bomber 0 ( -442 )
Destroyer 0 ( -381 )
Deathstar 7 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 0 ( -2.634 )
Reaper 0 ( -267 )
Pathfinder 0 ( -1.708 )
Heavy Laser 0 ( -38 )
The battle ends in a draw.
The attacker captured:
0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium
583.733 Metal, 583.733 Crystal and 583.734 Deuterium
128.289.076 Metal, 19.510.875 Crystal and 22.238.442 Deuterium
32.072.269 Metal, 4.877.718 Crystal and 5.559.610 Deuterium
0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium
0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 248.851.000 units.
Total damage attacker including follow-ups: 265.908.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 1.101.687.000 units.
Total damage defender including follow-ups: 1.172.367.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 590.634.171 metal and 396.193.830 crystal.
Extra debris caused by the follow-up(s): 34.980.800 metal and 27.168.800 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 214.299.190 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
Debris harvested by the attacker(s):
401.600.000 Metal and 401.600.000 Crystal
1.522.629 Metal and 1.021.370 Crystal
Total debris harvested by the attacker(s):
403.122.629 Metal and 402.621.370 Crystal
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 389.111.707
Crystal: 348.909.696
Deuterium: 13.113.786
The attacker(s) made a profit of 751.135.189 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -770.649.078
Crystal: -477.014.326
Deuterium: -139.002.786
The defender(s) lost a total of 1.386.666.190 units.
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:love: Thanks Syrabi