21.07: Hotfix version 8.1.0 pl-1

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    • 21.07: Hotfix version 8.1.0 pl-1

      We are having a hotfix applied to the servers tomorrow.
      It uis happening at 10:00 CEST.

      Ik hoop dat deze hotfix ogamen weer plezier zal geven. Diverse performance verbeteringen!

      [Bugfix] Espionage reports have a normal loading time
      [Bugfix] Leaving the vacation mode doesn't leave the account with 0 points
      [Bugfix] A ban removal doesn't leave the account with 0 points
      [Bugfix] Improved the shop performance
      [Bugfix] Scrolling through systems in galaxy overview has improved
      [Bugfix] The alliance overview loads faster now

      Thanks Syrabi <3