On 13-02-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Afk [PIS]
Light Fighter 152.654
Heavy Fighter 6.609
Cruiser 10.671
Battleship 9.241
Battlecruiser 22.565
Bomber 5.263
Destroyer 9.757
Reaper 1.057
Pathfinder 3.421
Defender Interstellar Funk [HEAVY]
Small Cargo 18.714
Large Cargo 6.777
Light Fighter 222.753
Heavy Fighter 6.200
Cruiser 14.301
Battleship 2.736
Recycler 12.752
Espionage Probe 19.778
Bomber 1.028
Destroyer 3.832
Deathstar 9
Battlecruiser 9.878
Reaper 630
Pathfinder 2.717
After the battle ...
Attacker Afk [PIS]
Light Fighter 6.737 ( -145.917 )
Heavy Fighter 1.001 ( -5.608 )
Cruiser 4.365 ( -6.306 )
Battleship 7.165 ( -2.076 )
Battlecruiser 19.530 ( -3.035 )
Bomber 4.704 ( -559 )
Destroyer 9.376 ( -381 )
Reaper 1.036 ( -21 )
Pathfinder 1.366 ( -2.055 )
Defender Interstellar Funk [HEAVY]
Small Cargo 263 ( -18.451 )
Large Cargo 241 ( -6.536 )
Light Fighter 2.949 ( -219.804 )
Heavy Fighter 186 ( -6.014 )
Cruiser 1.773 ( -12.528 )
Battleship 1.145 ( -1.591 )
Recycler 666 ( -12.086 )
Espionage Probe 61 ( -19.717 )
Bomber 660 ( -368 )
Destroyer 3.118 ( -714 )
Deathstar 9 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 5.700 ( -4.178 )
Reaper 571 ( -59 )
Pathfinder 305 ( -2.412 )
The battle ends in a draw.
The attacker captured:
0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 1.370.157.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 2.349.341.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 1.577.819.948 metal and 835.332.954 crystal.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 726.795.948
Crystal: 405.296.954
Deuterium: -89.097.000
The attacker(s) made a profit of 1.042.995.902 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -1.425.520.000
Crystal: -775.217.000
Deuterium: -148.604.000
The defender(s) lost a total of 2.349.341.000 units.
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Tja.. wat zal ik zeggen. tijdje niet gespeeld en nooit echt lang dus was niet zo bekend met raketten/defence etc, ik in het begin flink wat def gebouwd..
Een week nadat deze uni was begonnen word ik gecrashed door 3 uur lang raket aanvallen

Aantal weken later toch nog terug kunnen pakken