11 juli - Update versie 10.1.0

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    • 11 juli - Update versie 10.1.0

      Beste spelers,

      Op dinsdag 11 juli om 9.45 uur krijgen onze server de update 10.1.0.
      Zoals altijd bereid je voor op veel ellende en bugs.

      Vanaf 09:45 CEST zal het niet meer mogelijk zijn om in te loggen of gebruik te maken van het spel.

      Er zal een aanvalsblok zijn:
      start: 10-7-2023 om 17.00 uur
      eind: 11-7-2023 om 14.00 uur

      Het kan zijn dat de aanvalsblock langer gaat zijn.


      - Changed the fleet recall button in the event list to no longer redirect you to the fleet movement page. You'll stay on the page you currently are on instead.
      - Changed Graveyard system where players will only be allowed to return to the community where the account was before (there will be an exception for players from former BA (balkan) community
      - Changed wreckfields to no longer be accessible while combat is being calculated on a planet to avoid calculation issues.
      - Fixed being able to phalanx scan an admin's planet.
      - Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (Ctrl + Shift + R in most browsers).

      Met deze update zullen de levensvormen niet worden geactiveerd op de servers waar deze niet is, en de server waar wel levensvormen zijn behouden deze.
      Ook zullen de inactieve accounts niet worden verplaatst naar de graveyard wegens verschillende versies.

      Display Spoiler


      On Tuesday, July 11 at 09:45 CEST, we will start update live rounds with version 10.1.0.

      The release is split in several groups. For now, the group 3 considers the communities and servers bellow .

      HT access will be activated for the maintenance and with effect since the beginning (09:45 CEST).

      Attack block will be active on the affected rounds:

      - Start: 10.07.2023 17:00 CEST
      - End: 11.07.2023 14:00 CEST *

      *The attack block may be extended.

      Group 3

      Group 3
      • OGame.dk (all servers)
      • OGame.gr (all servers)
      • OGame.hr (all servers)
      • OGame.jp (all servers)
      • OGame.mx (all servers)
      • OGame.nl (all servers)
      • OGame.ro (all servers)
      • OGame.si (all servers)
      • OGame.sk (all servers)
      • OGame.tw (all servers)


      - Changed the fleet recall button in the event list to no longer redirect you to the fleet movement page. You'll stay on the page you currently are on instead.
      - Changed Graveyard system where players will only be allowed to return to the community where the account was before (there will be an exception for players from former BA (balkan) community
      - Changed wreckfields to no longer be accessible while combat is being calculated on a planet to avoid calculation issues.
      - Fixed being able to phalanx scan an admin's planet.
      - Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (Ctrl + Shift + R in most browsers).

      Please bear in mind that this is a version update, Lifeforms won't be enable with the update on the old servers that are part of the list - the servers with Lifeforms that are listed will keep it enable.
      Also important to note that all the servers that will be with version 10 will have the inactive transfers deactivated due to be on a different version than the Graveyard.