4/8 Nieuwe PTS server Alpha

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    • 4/8 Nieuwe PTS server Alpha

      Hello commanders!

      Today, Friday August 4, at 14:00 CEST (approx.) we will start a new PTS server: Alpha.

      Alpha settings
      Economy speed x10
      Research speed x20
      Peaceful Fleet speed x8
      War Fleet speed x6
      Holding Fleet speed x8
      9 galaxies
      DF 50%
      Espionage probes with cargo capacity
      +30 fields
      10M initial DM

      The new server will have a clean state and will be completely empty. With it we will bring to PTS the newest version 10.2.X (changelog available here).
      Alpha has a special feature that will allow players to copy their live accounts (from V10 servers only) into this server to have a account development status that allows a bigger range of tests. This new feature is limited and allows the player to copy only one account per email/lobby account.

      For example, lobby origin@ogame.org has one account on the live universe EN 1, if this lobby doesn't have already one account on Alpha it will be possible to copy the Universe EN 1 account to the testing round and use it for the needed tests. Please be aware that if you create a new account on Alpha, the option to copy won't be available on the live universe.

      In order to copy an account you need to:
      - NOT have already a Alpha account on the same email
      - login to the live account you wish to copy (Game round, not only Lobby)
      - go to Options > Extended > Alpha - en_807
      - Proceed with it
      (bear in mind that all the account will be copied and it might take some time)

      Good to know:
      - Account deletion on PTS has been reduced. Instead of the 7 days, after you set the account to delete it will be deleted with the daily server reset that follows.
      - Any fleet missions that you have active will be added to the source planet during the copy (it doesn't affect the live universe, only the copy that will be placed on Alpha).
      - The Discovery missions will still be ongoing after the copy.
      - There are no restrictions regarding Lifeforms, you can copy the account from a non-Lifeform universe to Alpha, the only restriction is for the universes that are still with V9. Those accounts, unfortunately cannot be copied.

      Your OGame Team