OGame Redesign betaversie

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    • WeTeHa schreef

      Hi. Today we wanna update the redesign (.de 6 & .org 42) onto v.12

      • No attack option at the gala overview when you don't have fleet slots available
      • "Fast build" button has been improved
      • Astrotechnology shows now under details an overview
      • The Technocrat is now respected by the techtree
      • The fleet deploying button has been grayed-out, as long as there is no mission selected
      • Resource ticker no longer counts above the storage capacity
      • Correction about the deuterium colouring concerning Storage Capacity
      • Editing and saving of standard fleets has been repaired
      • Display correction of returning fleets within the event box
      • Amount of required recyclers at the gala overview has been corrected
      • Galaxy Overview, Player status again in accurate order ( Vacation, inactive etc.)
      • Moons will be deleted together with their planet
      • Rename Player, leading and closing blanks from the name has been removed
      • Max. amount of planetary shield has been limited to 1
      • Total time of ship building has been corrected
      • Buddy requests will be no longer cut after 250 signs
      • Bug within the gala overview has been removed, which caused occasional doubled deuterium costs
      • Selection of delete button when deploying fleets has been repaired
      • Diverse tool tips has been expanded/repaired
      • IE- concerning problems fixed ( Javascript, CSS)

      [q]WeTeHa schreef

      Hoi. Vandaag willen we de redesign updaten. (.de 6 en .org 42) naar v.12

      • Geen aanvalsoptie in de melkweg als je geen vlootslots over hebt.
      • "Snel bouwen" knop is verbeterd.
      • Ruimtetechniek laat nu onder details een overzicht zien.
      • De Techocraat features zitten nu bij de onderzoeken.
      • De knop om vloot te verzenden is nu grijs (werkt niet), als er geen missie geslecteerd is.
      • De voorraadteller telt niet meer boven de opslagcapaciteit.
      • Correctie van het deuterium verkleuren betreft de opslagcapaciteit.
      • Bewerken en saven van standaard vloten is gerepareerd.
      • Weergave correctie van terugkerende vloten in de gebeurtenissen box.
      • Aantal benodigde recyclers in het melkweg overzicht is gefixt.
      • Melkweg overzicht, spelerstatus staat weer in de goede volgorde (vakantie, inactief, enz)
      • Manen worden verwijderd samen met hun planeten.
      • Hernoem speler, lege stukjes voor en na de naam zijn verwijderd.
      • Maximale aantal van planeetschilden is gelimiteerd tot 1.
      • Totale tijd van schepen bouwen is gefixt.
      • Vriend aanvragen worden niet langer afgekapt bij 250 tekens.
      • Bug in het melkweg overzicht is verwijders, welke geregeld de
        deuteriumkosten verdubbelde.
      • De selectie van de verwijderknop als je vloten zenf, is gerepareerd.
      • Diverse tooltips zijn uitgebreid/gerepareerd.
      • IE- gerelateerde problemen zijn gefixt. (Javascript, CSS)


      [size=6]tnx voor vertaling Syrabi[/size]
      Ik zit buiten, op een OGameterras in de schaduw van mijn Ogameparasol! Tnx teamlers

      ex admin ogame.sk - ex-admin ogame.nl - ex ba europe1400.co.uk
    • [q]Muhawia schreef
      04.06.09: Update 13

      • New empire view
      • Display of new buddy requests in the header bar
      • Overview of all functions in the techtree
      • Symbol for chosen missions is highlighted more clearly
      • The layout of standard fleets has been revised
      • The alliance can view spy reports again
      • Double-clicking on the fleet menu does not cause dispatching to be interrupted any more
      • Buying double in the Officer Recruitment view is prevented now
      • While the missile silo is being extended, no more missiles can be built
      • Recycle bin really does delete messages now
      • AKS attacks are displayed correctly in the event box now
      • Losses made during expeditions are now deducted from the points in the statistics
      Ik zit buiten, op een OGameterras in de schaduw van mijn Ogameparasol! Tnx teamlers

      ex admin ogame.sk - ex-admin ogame.nl - ex ba europe1400.co.uk
    • WeTeHa wrote:

      Hi. Redesign v.14 is now online with:

      - Rebuilded Defences will be not removed from the statistic <- fixed
      - Empire view: Moons are not showing planet buildings anymore
      - Empire View: Research is showing correctly
      - Event Display: Link at ACS has been fixed
      - Search after ACS participants fixed
      - BB-Codes on alliance screen has been fixed
      - Rounding error at the energy has been fixed
      - Divers CSS Errors has been fixed
      - Skipping has been implemented to pillory
      And hopefully building queue is fixed as well. :)

      Ik zit buiten, op een OGameterras in de schaduw van mijn Ogameparasol! Tnx teamlers

      ex admin ogame.sk - ex-admin ogame.nl - ex ba europe1400.co.uk
    • 09.07.09: Update 15
      - Vernieuwde InGame Tutorial
      - Nieuwe manier van wijzigen email-adres
      - Fout in de bouwlijst opgelost
      - Energieweergave van fusiecentrale gecorrigeerd
      - Overbodige tooltips in melkwegoverzicht verwijderd
      - Verkeerde tijdsaanduiding in Internet Explorer opgelost
      - Deuterium- en kristalproduktie gecorrigeerd
      - Terugkeertijd voor haltmissies en AGS gecorrigeerd
      - Beginnersbescherming voor inactieve spelers gecorrigeerd
      - Aantal schepen bij werfrij gecorrigeerd
      - Fout bij het verzenden van Interplanetaire raketten opgelost
      - Tijdsweergave bij opheffing van een account aangepast
      - Drag & Drop in koninkrijksoverzicht functioneert nu ook in Internet Explorer
      - Volle opslagen worden nu ook in koninkrijksoverzicht rood weergegeven
      - Snelknop voor bouwlijst gecorrigeerd
      - Berekening van het bereik van interplanetaire raketten gecorrigeerd
      - Vloottooltips in de Sensorphalanx ingebouwd
      - Weergave en tooltips van standaardvloten verbeterd
      Ik zit buiten, op een OGameterras in de schaduw van mijn Ogameparasol! Tnx teamlers

      ex admin ogame.sk - ex-admin ogame.nl - ex ba europe1400.co.uk
    • WeTeHa wrote:

      We will update .de 6 & .org 42 tomorrow around 11am.


      alle updates op een rijtje:

      WeTeHa wrote:

      15.07.09: Update 15

      - New in-game tutorial
      - New validation of e-mail addresses

      - Errors in the building list found and repaired
      - Energy display of the fusion reactor has been corrected
      - Superfluous tooltips removed from the galaxy view
      - Incorrect time indicator in Internet Explore fixed
      - Deuterium- and crystal production corrected
      - Return time for holding and ACS defend corrected in the fleet movements
      - Newbie protection for inactive players corrected
      - Ship number of ships being built has been corrected
      - Error when sending out interplanetary missiles fixed
      - Indicated time when deleting an account has been adjusted
      - Drag & Drop function in the empire view works in Internet Explorer
      - Full warehouses are now also shown in the empire view in red
      - Quick build button for the building list has been corrected
      - Calculation of the range of interplanetary missiles has been corrected
      - Fleet tooltips have been included in the sensor phalanx
      - Display and tooltips improved under the standard fleets

      18.06.09: Update 14

      - Rebuilded Defences will be not removed from the statistic
      - Empire view: Moons are not showing planet buildings anymore
      - Empire View: Research is showing correctly
      - Event Display: Link at ACS has been fixed
      - Search after ACS participants fixed
      - BB-Codes on alliance screen has been fixed
      - Rounding error at the energy has been fixed
      - Divers CSS Errors has been fixed
      - Skipping has been implemented to pillory

      04.06.09: Update 13

      - New empire view
      - Display of new buddy requests in the header bar
      - Overview of all functions in the techtree
      - Symbol for chosen missions is highlighted more clearly
      - The layout of standard fleets has been revised

      - The alliance can view spy reports again
      - Double-clicking on the fleet menu does not cause dispatching to be interrupted any more
      - Buying double in the Officer Recruitment view is prevented now
      - While the missile silo is being extended, no more missiles can be built
      - Recycle bin really does delete messages now
      - ACS attacks are displayed correctly in the event box now
      - Losses made during expeditions are now deducted from the points in the statistics

      14.05.09: Update 12

      - No attack option at the gala overview when you don`t have fleet slots available
      - Fast build button has been improved
      - Astrotechnology shows now under details a overview
      - The Technocrat is now respected by the techtree
      - The fleet deploying button has been grayed-out, as long as there is no mission selected
      - Resource ticker no longer counts above the storage capacity
      - Correction about the deuterium colouring concerning Storage Capacity
      - Editing and saving of standard fleets has been repaired
      - Display correction of returning fleets within the event box
      - Amount of required recyclers at the gala overview has been corrected
      - Galaxy Overview, Player stat again in accurate order ( Vacation, inactive etc.)
      - Moons will be deleted together with their planet
      - Rename Player, leading and closing blanks from the name has been removed
      - Max. amount of planetary shield has been limited to 1
      - Total time of shipbuilding has been corrected
      - Buddy requests will be no longer cut after 250 signs
      - Bug within the gala overview has been removed, which caused occasional doubled deuterium costs< br> - Selection of delete button when deploying fleets has been repaired
      - Diverse tool tips has been expanded/repaired
      - IE- concerning problems fixed ( Javascript, CSS)

      29.04.09: Update 11

      - New "click free" confirmation boxes integrated
      - Slider for production and research pages loading with AJAX now
      - Sender coordinates visible within player messages
      - Range of phalanx integrated into tech infos and displayed in slider

      - Galaxy legend visible again
      - No production of resources beyond the capacity of storage
      - Indication error in battle reports repaired
      - Indication error in pillory removed
      - Links between alliance members within the statistics repaired
      - Error of maximal length of subject for messages removed
      - Existent spying messages available through galaxy view again
      - Several minor Javascript errors removed
      - Several text and display errors removed

      01.04.09: Update 10

      - Improved storage balancing
      - Basic version of address book is as well visible without commander
      - Amount of messages per page can be adjust under settings
      - Active buttons in the statistic are now highlighted
      - Wrong error message during saving of settings has been removed
      - The pillory has been linked again to the galaxy overview
      - Shortcuts working now
      - Terraformer is now buildable again
      - Several display and text errors are fixed

      12.03.09: Update 9

      - Planet sizes are shown correctly in the Rightmenu now and takes the Terraformer into account
      - The Rightmenu is already loaded from the first planet now
      - The alliance combat system has been changed to AJAX
      - The buddy list has been changed to AJAX
      - The confirmation button in the alliance combat system has been repaired
      - The merchant shows the right amount of resources now
      - Defective indication of time zones in Firefox has been adjusted
      - Highscore- ranking is now shown in the buddy list and in the alliance
      - Mouse scrolling now also turns the pages in the galaxy view
      - The arrival and return time in the fleet deployment section now includes the additional feature of the date
      - The clock has been removed from the overview page and has bee inserted in the header
      - More exact indicators of the remaining times of the officers and commanders
      - Empire view: Current research is now also shown in the balance column
      - The format of the date indicator has been standardised
      - The Resources settings are loaded in a separate page now
      - Miscellaneous small improvements in the message system and when deploying fleets

      27.02.09: Update 8

      - The right planet menu has been completed revised
      - The galaxy view is now only loaded via AJAX
      - The OK-button for opening the ACS attack works again
      - View of the building jobs function has been revised
      - Empty building lists sometimes blocked the vacation modus
      - Fleet deployment shows set flight parameters at every stage now
      - Misc. indication errors have been fixed:
      * Wrong fleet size was shown when flying back from an expedition
      * Symbol problems in the RSS-Feed
      * Wrong warehouse capacity shown at merchant`s.
      * Wrong time shown in the event box after changing your password
      * Fleets flying back after a spy mission were shown on the wrong planet in the galaxy.
      * Tooltips contained invalid options in the galaxy view
      * Number format in the supply settings
      * Number format in the empire view
      * Moons can now be spied in the galaxy view
      * In some cases the flight time was calculated incorrectly
      * Standard design of the settings
      * Several small textual errors

      12.02.09: Update 7

      * Header graphics on the pages fleet deployment, empire, resource overview, network, fleet overview can be retracted now for better loading time.
      * Sending rockets and renaming planets are now set to AJAX.
      * Planets and moons are now differentiated between when you rename things and a confirmation appears when it is successful.
      * The message system has been enhanced with an outbox and a recycle bin.
      * The abbreviated form for large numbers only sets in after a million and no decimal places are shown before that.
      * In the event overview you can view transported resources.
      * Spy reports can be completely shown in messages (settings)
      * Preview function for own alliance pages has been integrated.
      * Building requests with an amount of 0 are not possible any more.
      * Geologist is now correctly accounted for on the techinfo page
      * Fleet deployment page 1 is accessible with full fleet slots
      * Event countdown repaired in the IE

      29.01.09: Update 6

      Enhanced performance through:

      * Optimised database query
      * Caching improved

      * Now you can reach the fleet overview with just one click over the left menu
      * Animations can be disabled individually in the settings
      * Missile attack, Trader, Jump gate and Resource settings were changed over to AJAX
      * More detailed error messages during the registration

      22.01.09: Update 5

      * Planet sorting works now
      * Error messages when sending espionage probes and recyclers from the galaxy view have been rectified

      * You cannot apply to closed alliances any more
      * The sorting of member rights has been improved
      * Alliance pages can now be deleted
      * Application messages are now only sent to members that have the right `Show Applications`
      * The amount of applications in the appropriate message tab is correct now.

      13.01.09: Update 4

      * Event boxes` loading time reduced
      * The event handler is now faster and more stable
      * Display error in overview countdowns fixed
      * Error in the planet sorting options fixed
      * Bug while changing the alliance logos and pages fixed
      * Wrong error message while changing the settings fixed
      * Problems related to umlauts in planet names are fixed
      * Fleet event box now shows the loaded resources in the tooltip correctly
      * Tecinfo from solar satellites now shows how much energy can be won per satellite on this planet
      * The message symbol now only appears at the arrival of actual new messages, not when there are unread messages in the inbox
      * Sorting in facilities and research reworked
      * Notices now open as pop-ups
      * All special characters are now shown correctly in player messages
      * Message deletion now only asks for confirmation when "delete all messages" is chosen

      19.12.08: Update 3

      * Display error in the address book fixed
      * BBCode can now also be used within messages
      * Online status within the alliance overview can now only be seen by authorized players
      * Alliance Highscore is now calculated and shown correctly
      * The event box tooltip now shows the correct number of returning ships after a battle

      18.12.08: Update 2

      * faulty text display corrected
      * Improvements in commander message administration
      * Connection to MMOPortal
      * Fleets are now sorted by colours in "fleet movements"
      * Alliance rights management fixed
      * Premature message deletions fixed
      * Eventbox shows loaded resources properly now
      * Problems with changing passwords and e-mail addresses solved
      * Private messages opened in a box are now automatically closed when clicking somewhere in the background
      * Bug with deuterium production display fixed
      * No log out after changing the amount of espionage satellites
      * Enemy attacks are now displayed in red in the overview

      Dec. 10th 2008: Update 1

      Home page:

      * Standard Dropdownbox
      * Register box doesn`t always open by itself
      * JQuery as Ajax
      * Flash performs better


      * Message cleanup repaired
      * IP check in settings repaired
      * Error message when clicking to fast improved
      * Player`s name is shown in overview
      * Event handler has been accellerated
      Ik zit buiten, op een OGameterras in de schaduw van mijn Ogameparasol! Tnx teamlers

      ex admin ogame.sk - ex-admin ogame.nl - ex ba europe1400.co.uk