Hier een lijst met toegestane addons, tools, scripts en skins. Staat een addon, tool, script of skin niet op deze lijst? Dan is deze niet toegestaan!
Francolino wrote:
- Please submit new tools, scripts or skins there: Tools, Addons & Scripts
- Share profit after ACS atac
- Share profit after ACS defense
- Apportionment resource after ACS
- Calculator
- CIAP Statistics
- CR Converter
- CR-Hosting
- Cumulative Cost
- DragoSim
- Feed Commander (iPhone RSS Reader)
- Fleetsize - Tool
- Galaxytool
- Galaxytool hosting
- Gamestats
- History of changes
- Kopernik system
- New OGame tools collection started
- Next Gen Ogame Battle Simulator
- O-calc
- o-tools
- Ogame RSS Reader
- OgameTools
- ogameadviser
- OgDroid (Ogame client for Android)
- Optifleet
- OGSpy
- OProjekt
- Phalanx Timer
- Projet AlTernative
- PwnGameReader - Android OGame RSS Reader
- SaveCR
- SaveKB
- SpeedSim
- Trade Terminal
- World Ogame Stats of Players and Alliances
General Addons & Scripts
Addons, Scripts & Bugfixes
- Activity Indicator
- activitiy star
- Additional Resource Loading Buttons
- Alliance Chat
- Alliance icon opens the message box
- Alliance Stat
- Antigame OSimulate Mod
- Auction events list
- Auction Timer
- AutoExpoFleet
- BBCode
- Cargos necessary
- CerealOgameStats
- Chat Alianza
- Colored Moon Sizes in Galaxy View
- CR Converter in ogame page
- Color Alliance
- Color Friends
- Color Flight Flots
- Combat report balance
- Current Planet Name on Messages Pages
- DeleteStars
- Direct Colonization
- disable attack warner
- Disable Espionage if Colonization is Available
- Display Resources [Pantalla Recursos]
- Defense Points Script
- Defense Proposer
- Disable Useless Stuff
- Easy Rider (Raide Facile)
- Easy Transport
- Empire Extension Multilanguage
- Espionage report attack button
- Expedition Pictures
- Expedition Pictures [Successful]
- expeditions statistics
- Expo Stats
- Farm Scanner
- Fix the Action Icons
- Fleet_Mod
- Fleetpoints
- Fleet Contents
- Fleet Empty Space
- Fleet escape Calculator
- Fleet Proposer
- Fleet strength calculator
- Fix the coordinates links
- Galaxy Go
- Galaxy Info User
- Glotr
- Highlight Players and Alliances
- highscore improved
- Infocompte CR Converter
- IRC Webchat module
- JumpGate Availability
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Loots bbcode exporter
- Links for expedition and colonization
- Merchant Warning
- Message button in left menu
- Mine optimization
- Minimal Ogame Redesign
- Missing Sats
- Moons to the Right
- No tactical retreat tip
- odd save report
- OGame find player details
- OGame Fleet Tool
- Ogame Notepad
- ODB - Ogniter
- OPA (Ogame Pratico per Android)
- Options in User Name
- Old menu fleet
- Open Galaxy - public galaxy map
- oprojekt exporter bbcode formatted text
- [phpBB] OGame-Mod
- Planet Navigation Buttons
- Planet Menus
- Player Name on 3rd Fleet Dispatch Page
- Pioneers Spanish Translation
- Perfect Plunder
- Pranger in Header
- Rankings in tooltip
- Reply to Circular Messages
- Resources in Flight [by Bontchev]
- Resources on Transit
- Retarted Star
- Return Fleet Question
- Search Players Coordinates
- Select input
- Set Target to Planet
- Set the Focus Correctly
- Show IPM and Phalanx Range
- Show Ships in Stats
- Simple Login
- Small planets
- Smilies
- Script to adapt speedsim and Dragosim for the v3.0
- Show Resource Details
- Spy from the Fleet Movement Page
- Spy via the Fleet Dispatch Page
- SpioHelper
- Switch to Name
- Text list of planet / moons
- The All-seeing eye
- Time left to fill up storage
- Trade Calculator
- TMessageButton OGame Redesign
- UniverseView Script
- Warning about last fleet slot
- War Riders Extended
- Websim Extension
Addons, Scripts & Bugfixes Board
- Magistorm V5
- Moons to the Right [Stylish]
- OGame Light Starter [OLS] for FF, Chrome and Opera [Stylish]
- OGame RSL (Real Simply Login) [Stylish]
- Og-Rs³
- OG-RS³ OMF Add-On (Old Menu Fleet) [Stylish]
old scripts
- OGame Farm Scanner
- Xnova.de - Ogame Stats
- Galaxyview Marker
- Galaxy ChromeBar
- Alliance_Evolution
- Statistics Differences
- userBoard
- AntiGame for GoogleChrome
- Foxgame 2
- AntiGame
- OperaGame
- Playersearch Button for ogame.GameStats.org / War-Riders.de
- PM Fix for OGame 1.2
- Compactador Batallas
- CSS fix
- Message icons
- Short Header
- AntiGame_mod
- Ogame Board Redirect
- Transporters Count OGame Redesign
- Transporters Needed
- OGST CR converter
- OGST Tool for miners
- Transit Redesign Ogame Calculator ( TROC )
- old-menu-fleet-appearance
- COgame
Last edit: 09/08/2013 - benneb
"Wij hebben geen discussie, ik leg jou iets uit."

