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# 22 [TOT: 4.423.000] Winter [Winter] vs. Marshal Pegasus [HoF] (A: 120.000, V: 4.303.000)

0 265

#21 [TOT: 5.874.000] Winter [Winter] vs. Moby-Dick [DeHomies] (A: 1.000, V: 5.873.000)

0 255

#20 [TOT: 3.587.000] Winter [Winter] vs. SGT-Johnson [Generals] (A: 300.000, V: 3.287.000)

3 687


# 19 [TOT: 1.664.500] Winter vs. BlackHawk [BBW] (A: 0, V: 1.664.500)

0 365

#18 [TOT: 3.892.000] Winter vs. Ariana Grande (A: 204.000, V: 3.688.000)

0 334

# 17 [TOT: 2.169.000] Winter vs. Admiral Mariner [VVV] (A: 29.000, V: 2.140.000)

0 273

# 16 [TOT: 2.642.000] Winter vs. Commodore Barym [HoF] (A: 120.000, V: 2.522.000)

0 331

#13/14/15 Triple KO [TOT: 2.772.500] Technocrat Voyager [VVV] vs. Zannek [DeHomies] (A: 353.000, V: 2.419.500)

0 190

# 12 [TOT: 3.294.500] Technocrat Voyager [VVV] vs. Bandit Callisto [Tb1] (A: 1.037.000, V: 2.257.500)

1 479


# 10 / 11 [TOT: 1.263.000] Technocrat Voyager vs. FUxNL [Tb1] (A: 148.000, V: 1.115.000)

0 327

# 9 [TOT: 1.290.000] Technocrat Voyager vs. Klapstoeltje (A: 84.000, V: 1.206.000)

0 303

# 8 [TOT: 1.485.000] Technocrat Voyager vs. SGT-Johnson [Generals] (A: 0, V: 1.485.000)

0 366

# 7 [TOT: 1.124.000] Technocrat Voyager vs. Barry (A: 138.000, V: 986.000)

0 316

#6 [TOT: 6.006.000] Technocrat Voyager vs. Klapstoeltje (A: 1.036.000, V: 4.970.000)

12 2,221


# 5 [TOT: 1.360.000] Technocrat Voyager vs. Marshal Pegasus [HoF] (A: 164.000, V: 1.196.000)

0 314

# 4 [TOT: 854.500] Technocrat Voyager vs. Expected Toulouse (A: 0, V: 854.500)

0 320

# 3 [TOT: 1.353.000] Technocrat Voyager vs. Dietrich Regeinland [DeHomies] (A: 187.000, V: 1.166.000)

0 340

# 2 [TOT: 601.000] Technocrat Voyager vs. Zaka070 (A: 0, V: 601.000)

0 314

#1 [TOT: 677.500] Technocrat Voyager vs. Kale [TNO] (A: 29.000, V: 648.500)

0 327