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New Beginnings!
Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel
PostWe have some news for you! As the testing of the update continues, there have been some interesting adjustments! - The collector class will have several free marketplace slots (defined by server settings). - The discovered class will have its phalanx range increased(defined by server settings). - The general class will have an additional level of combat technology (defined by server settings). OGame Team
New Beginnings!
Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel
Postnewships.jpg While some communities are still discussing outdated leaks, we are already adjusting this update with a few "hand picked" community members! Here some examples: - Crawlers are going to have a production limit. - Bomber will be redesigned (Fuel 700, RF plasma / gauss: 5) - Death Star will not be affected by the speed boost. More info coming up within the next few days! OGame Team
Vanaf 14 september 2019 wordt er nieuwe regelgeving van kracht in de EU- en EFTA-landen (IJsland, Noorwegen, Liechtenstein) die betrekking heeft op online betalingen en online bankieren en welke effect hebben op bankgerelateerde betalingsmethoden (bijv. creditcards, SOFORT, Giropay, online overboekingen etc.). De nieuwe regelgeving, welke vastgelegd is in PSD2 van de EU, heeft als streven betalingen en online bankieren veiliger te maken en consumenten te beschermen tegen fraude. Als onderdeel va…
New Beginnings!
Lorovus - - Nieuws - Spel
PostNews originally published on 2019.08.23. announcement_ogame_pl_e53fe834c11a73d1678e4465665d4c45.jpg Hello Commanders! 3 classes, new opportunities coming soon! ➡️Collector: higher resource production, faster trading ships. ➡️Discoverer: faster research speed, better expedition results. ➡️General: faster combat ships, faster recycler. These are some of the bonuses each class will have, but not all! Which class do you identify yourself with? Tell us in the comments! News originally published on 20…
Beste Spelers, Om ervoor te zorgen dat we tegemoet komen aan de huidige internet beveiligingsstandaarden hebben we enkele wijzigingen gemaakt aan onze shops die ingevoerd zullen worden op 26 april. Na deze wijzigingen zullen verouderde browser versies niet langer ondersteund worden in onze shops. Daardoor moet je jouw browser eventueel updaten naar een meer recentere versie. Indien je onze shops bezoekt met een verouderde browser na 26 april, zal je een foutmelding te zien krijgen. We zouden daa…
Dear Players! Because of an unexpected downtime during the night, two universes have an attack block active until 18:00 today. The affected universes are Universe 3 and Gemini. Sorry for the troubles. OGame Team
Dear Players, today in the afternoon we will have a short downtime of all servers to fix some issues caused by Version 6.5.1.
RoM_DZ_News_.jpg At Gameforge there’s nothing we love more than games – and now our latest passion has landed: Dropzone! This game is the perfect blend of adrenaline and strategy, of MOBA and RTS, of cerebral tactics and blistering action… and it’s available on Steam right now! Head over to Steam today and check it out for yourself! Watch the trailer: Your Exclusive Gift As a Gameforge player, we have a special welcome gift for you: a coupon for a Vision Tower Cus…