Nou nou... Mijn eerste hit in de uni..
kreeg vorige week berichtje van Takeoff of ik na zaga wilde komen..
uur later kreeg ik Mwsaw zn account in mijn schoot geworpen..
erg druke week gehad dus moest vmode..
vrijdag nacht in een all nighter dus zaterdag ook al niet uit vmode..
Vandaag was de dag dan.
meteen kwam take off dat ie toch wilde gaan simme op Splinter..
zo gezegt zo gedaan.
Lekker rustig gevlogen dus er is zeker genoeg winst
was gezellig gaste! onto the next!
On 24-02-2019 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Takeoff [Bro]
Recycler 1
Light Fighter 200.000
Destroyer 10.000
Small Cargo 20.000
Battleship 20.000
Cruiser 35.000
Battlecruiser 10.000
Attacker NahpetS [Bro]
Small Cargo 110.000
Light Fighter 500.000
Heavy Fighter 1.000
Cruiser 70.000
Battleship 21.000
Destroyer 17.800
Battlecruiser 35.500
Attacker Plofkop [Bro]
Small Cargo 75.000
Bomber 590
Destroyer 19.950
Battleship 23.800
Battlecruiser 27.200
Light Fighter 400.000
Cruiser 172.000
Attacker fire rain [Bro]
Battleship 10.000
Destroyer 106
Light Fighter 200.000
Cruiser 40.000
Battlecruiser 20.000
Small Cargo 99.999
Defender Splinter [ESA]
Large Cargo 4.650
Cruiser 5.000
Battleship 15.000
Colony Ship 5
Recycler 10.493
Espionage Probe 100.000
Bomber 7.500
Solar Satellite 556
Destroyer 500
Deathstar 159
Battlecruiser 2.500
Rocket Launcher 549.381
Light Laser 500.000
Heavy Laser 100.000
Gauss Cannon 50.000
Ion Cannon 100.000
Plasma Turret 10.000
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Takeoff [Bro]
Recycler 1 ( -0 )
Light Fighter 122.510 ( -77.490 )
Destroyer 9.683 ( -317 )
Small Cargo 12.267 ( -7.733 )
Battleship 19.169 ( -831 )
Cruiser 31.031 ( -3.969 )
Battlecruiser 9.605 ( -395 )
Attacker NahpetS [Bro]
Small Cargo 67.995 ( -42.005 )
Light Fighter 308.158 ( -191.842 )
Heavy Fighter 784 ( -216 )
Cruiser 62.094 ( -7.906 )
Battleship 20.126 ( -874 )
Destroyer 17.223 ( -577 )
Battlecruiser 34.080 ( -1.420 )
Attacker Plofkop [Bro]
Small Cargo 45.926 ( -29.074 )
Bomber 569 ( -21 )
Destroyer 19.327 ( -623 )
Battleship 22.690 ( -1.110 )
Battlecruiser 26.159 ( -1.041 )
Light Fighter 246.348 ( -153.652 )
Cruiser 152.764 ( -19.236 )
Attacker fire rain [Bro]
Battleship 9.613 ( -387 )
Destroyer 102 ( -4 )
Light Fighter 125.616 ( -74.384 )
Cruiser 35.737 ( -4.263 )
Battlecruiser 19.269 ( -731 )
Small Cargo 62.518 ( -37.481 )
Defender Splinter [ESA]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
52.021.643 Metal, 28.502.103 Crystal and 30.255.000 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 4.171.680.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 10.780.146.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 3.968.284.800 metal and 2.117.672.800 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 110.778.746 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
Debris harvested by the attacker(s): Metal and 267.760.400 Crystal Metal and Crystal
750.000.000 Metal and 750.000.000 Crystal
Total debris harvested by the attacker(s):
3.968.286.400 Metal and 2.117.770.400 Crystal
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 1.242.832.043
Crystal: 899.751.503
Deuterium: -117.428.000
The attacker(s) made a profit of units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -6.383.723.643
Crystal: -3.729.132.103
Deuterium: -778.069.000
The defender(s) lost a total of 10.890.924.746 units.
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Every Superhero needs it foe.
I'll be the big bad, if you wanna play superhero.
I'll be the big bad, if you wanna play superhero.