[TOT: 44.945.500] NoudisBB [JIGSAW] vs. Kjoelkast [DBD] (A: 7.249.000, D: 37.696.500)

    • [TOT: 44.945.500] NoudisBB [JIGSAW] vs. Kjoelkast [DBD] (A: 7.249.000, D: 37.696.500)

      Kjoelkast GL @ RB, saven volgende keer.

      On 11-03-2019 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

      Attacker NoudisBB [JIGSAW]

      Small Cargo 2.700
      Cruiser 4.000
      Battleship 2.200

      Defender Kjoelkast [DBD]

      Small Cargo 16
      Large Cargo 169
      Light Fighter 93
      Cruiser 25
      Battleship 126
      Recycler 131
      Bomber 33
      Solar Satellite 305
      Battlecruiser 1
      Rocket Launcher 2.959
      Light Laser 2.048
      Heavy Laser 634
      Gauss Cannon 38
      Plasma Turret 32
      Small Shield Dome 1
      Large Shield Dome 1

      After the battle ...

      Attacker NoudisBB [JIGSAW]

      Small Cargo 2.163 ( -537 )
      Cruiser 3.851 ( -149 )
      Battleship 2.187 ( -13 )

      Defender Kjoelkast [DBD]


      The attacker has won the battle!

      The attacker captured:
      7.569.525 Metal, 4.093.936 Crystal and 2.458.929 Deuterium

      The attacker lost a total of 7.249.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 37.696.500 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 7.562.000 metal and 3.888.500 crystal.
      The attacker captured a total of 14.122.390 units.

      The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
      The attacker(s) captured the debris.

      Summary of profit/losses:

      Summary attackers(s)

      Metal: 10.492.525
      Crystal: 5.670.436
      Deuterium: 2.160.929
      The attacker(s) made a profit of 18.323.890 units.

      Summary defender(s)

      Metal: -33.268.525
      Crystal: -14.080.936
      Deuterium: -4.469.429
      The defender(s) lost a total of 51.818.890 units.

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