NIEUW TOP10 [TOT: 276.148.000] Klapstoeltje [LEGEND] vs. Captain Pierre [Motu] (A: 19.255.000, D: 256.893.000)

    • NIEUW TOP10 [TOT: 276.148.000] Klapstoeltje [LEGEND] vs. Captain Pierre [Motu] (A: 19.255.000, D: 256.893.000)

      ~HT @13-07-'19 ~8.00 | Moved naar Rustplaats. Niet langer een top10.

      al eerder een aantal maal gevlogen, nu wel een aardig gat laten vallen. gelukkig dat ik ook met naraids erbij gewoon winst heb want deze mafkees koopt gewoon met maar 1,5 mil gs op zn planeetje even 3k recs af en begint te ruimen.... nouja, gl met de rebuild dan maar he, beetje jammer maar dat zal je wel een flinke hoeveelheid euros gekost hebben.

      On 24-04-2019 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

      Attacker Klapstoeltje [LEGEND]

      Battleship 4.000
      Battlecruiser 4.000


      Defender Captain Pierre [Motu]

      Small Cargo 9
      Large Cargo 490
      Light Fighter 807
      Battleship 2.938
      Recycler 808
      Espionage Probe 25
      Bomber 311
      Destroyer 47
      Battlecruiser 271


      After the battle ...

      Attacker Klapstoeltje [LEGEND]

      Battleship 3.825 ( -175 )
      Battlecruiser 3.897 ( -103 )


      Defender Captain Pierre [Motu]


      The attacker has won the battle!

      The attacker captured:
      4.330.125 Metal, 4.330.125 Crystal and 4.330.125 Deuterium
      8.650.718 Metal, 8.917.019 Crystal and 3.406.591 Deuterium
      2.162.679 Metal, 2.229.255 Crystal and 851.648 Deuterium

      The attacker lost a total of 19.255.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 256.893.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 128.193.800 metal and 56.292.600 crystal.
      The attacker captured a total of 39.208.285 units.

      The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.

      Debris harvested by the attacker(s):
      24.836.100 Metal and 0 Crystal

      Summary of profit/losses:

      Summary attackers(s)

      Metal: 29.014.622
      Crystal: 8.731.399
      Deuterium: 7.043.364
      The attacker(s) made a profit of 44.789.385 units.

      Summary defender(s)

      Metal: -187.312.522
      Crystal: -89.149.399
      Deuterium: -19.639.364
      The defender(s) lost a total of 296.101.285 units.

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      The post was edited 2 times, last by Hitsugaya Toushiro ().