On 02-03-2020 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Met gepaste blijdschap hierbij deze dikke slag.
Lonely Guy stond al een paar dagen onder de aandacht en merkte dat hij op puin savede.
‘S middags de omgeving samen met CyPh vrijgemaakt van puin en een puinveldje bij Lonely Guy inner gelegd.
‘S avonds wakker gebleven en timers afgewacht, wekker gezet en puin zien verdwijnen.
Terug getimed en zie onderstaand resultaat
Verdediger wist nog 1.1miljard metaal te ruimen, we wisten op voorhand dat we ca 30k recyc te kort kwamen om alles direct op te halen. De ondersteuning aan recyclers kwam helaas net te laat.
@CyPh bedankt voor deze mooie vlucht!
@ alle andere LORD leden, bedankt voor de mentale ondersteuning
@lonely ( aka Jack Sparrow) succes met de rebuild en bedankt voor de sportieve reactie!
Attacker Dobby [LORD]
Reaper 872
Light Fighter 361.632
Heavy Fighter 15.880
Cruiser 40.764
Battleship 15.347
Battlecruiser 4.481
Pathfinder 2.680
Small Cargo 130.000
Attacker CyPh [LORD]
Light Fighter 297.673
Heavy Fighter 18.411
Destroyer 1.468
Reaper 1.609
Small Cargo 52.690
Cruiser 34.241
Battleship 15.922
Battlecruiser 9.987
Pathfinder 2.290
Espionage Probe 51.988
Defender Lonely Guy [ISL]
Small Cargo 26.727
Large Cargo 5.958
Light Fighter 240.087
Heavy Fighter 21.699
Cruiser 34.167
Battleship 20.220
Colony Ship 2
Recycler 43.617
Espionage Probe 96.952
Bomber 3.010
Destroyer 2.645
Deathstar 19
Battlecruiser 7.954
Reaper 1.408
Pathfinder 816
After the battle ...
Attacker Dobby [LORD]
Reaper 863 ( -9 )
Light Fighter 230.454 ( -131.178 )
Heavy Fighter 12.065 ( -3.815 )
Cruiser 37.488 ( -3.276 )
Battleship 15.053 ( -294 )
Battlecruiser 4.416 ( -65 )
Pathfinder 2.443 ( -237 )
Small Cargo 82.689 ( -47.311 )
Attacker CyPh [LORD]
Light Fighter 194.931 ( -102.742 )
Heavy Fighter 14.203 ( -4.208 )
Destroyer 1.451 ( -17 )
Reaper 1.593 ( -16 )
Small Cargo 34.432 ( -18.258 )
Cruiser 31.695 ( -2.546 )
Battleship 15.625 ( -297 )
Battlecruiser 9.807 ( -180 )
Pathfinder 2.098 ( -192 )
Espionage Probe 25.607 ( -26.381 )
Defender Lonely Guy [ISL]
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
7.146.867 Metal, 113.493.885 Crystal and 9.411.006 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 1.549.114.000 units.
The defender lost a total of units.
At these space coordinates now float 2.839.068.168 metal and 1.486.194.435 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 130.051.758 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 1.808.217.035 - circa
Deuterium: -10.094.994
The attacker(s) made a profit of 2.906.200.361 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -3.745.261.867
Crystal: -
Deuterium: -422.822.006
The defender(s) lost a total of units.
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