Nieuwe items in shop op 01-04.

    • Nieuwe items in shop op 01-04.


      Op 1 april komen er nieuwe items in de shop:
      Vloot sloten boosters
      Expo sloten boosters

      Hieronder totaal overzicht:

      on Thursday 1st of April we will introduce the fleet and expediition items in the shop.

      These are going to be the prices:

      Item2 slots4 slots6 slots
      Fleet slot (7days)5.000 DM10.000 DM15.000 DM
      Fleet slot (30days)18.750 DM37.500 DM56.250 DM
      Fleet slot (90days)52.500 DM105.000 DM157.500 DM

      Item1 slot2 slots3 slots
      Expedition slot (7days)15.000 DM30.000 DM45.000 DM
      Expedition slot (30days)56.250 DM112.500 DM168.750 DM
      Expedition slot (90days)157.500 DM315.000 DM472.500 DM

      Thanks Syrabi <3
    • Natuurlijk:

      It has been decided to cancel the release of these items in the shop for now as we need to adjust their behaviour.
      As soon as they are ready we will let the community know when they are coming.

      Vul hier wat scheldwoorden in ****** ***** *******
      Ikzelf, ondanks dat het morgen 1 april is, vind het niet kunnen.
      Ga hier ook mee in overleg natuurlijk. *******

      Thanks Syrabi <3