[TOT:] McSmiley [SFs] vs. frankv4321 [TENC] (A: 633.779.000, D: 2.464.235.000)

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    • [TOT:] McSmiley [SFs] vs. frankv4321 [TENC] (A: 633.779.000, D: 2.464.235.000)

      Als je weigert om te saven, dan komen wij gratis en voor niets uw voordeur opvegen ^^ defensie in een def2puin uni is een no-go

      On 11-11-2021 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

      Attacker McSmiley [SFs]

      Bomber 3.371
      Destroyer 18.052
      Cruiser 30.382
      Pathfinder 11.865
      Battleship 10.156
      Battlecruiser 22.313
      Reaper 2.542
      Light Fighter 181.459
      Heavy Fighter 25.987
      Espionage Probe 357.000

      Defender frankv4321 [TENC]

      Small Cargo 20.690
      Large Cargo 4.694
      Light Fighter 22.496
      Heavy Fighter 5.712
      Cruiser 3.436
      Battleship 834
      Espionage Probe 467
      Bomber 752
      Solar Satellite 600
      Destroyer 671
      Deathstar 100
      Battlecruiser 976
      Reaper 509
      Pathfinder 1.857
      Rocket Launcher 75.000
      Light Laser 37.500
      Heavy Laser 7.500
      Gauss Cannon 3.750
      Ion Cannon 7.500
      Plasma Turret 1.300
      Small Shield Dome 1
      Large Shield Dome 1

      After the battle ...

      Attacker McSmiley [SFs]

      Bomber 3.202 ( -169 )
      Destroyer 17.238 ( -814 )
      Cruiser 28.302 ( -2.080 )
      Pathfinder 11.012 ( -853 )
      Battleship 9.601 ( -555 )
      Battlecruiser 21.187 ( -1.126 )
      Reaper 2.410 ( -132 )
      Light Fighter 150.995 ( -30.464 )
      Heavy Fighter 23.224 ( -2.763 )
      Espionage Probe 226.560 ( -130.440 )

      Defender frankv4321 [TENC]


      The attacker has won the battle!

      The attacker captured:
      242.570.121 Metal, 84.947.443 Crystal and 32.772.518 Deuterium

      The attacker lost a total of 633.779.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 2.464.235.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 409.080.766 metal and 311.514.335 crystal.
      The attacker captured a total of 360.290.082 units.

      The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
      The attacker(s) captured the debris.

      Summary of profit/losses:

      Summary attackers(s)

      Metal: 367.991.887
      Crystal: 91.600.778
      Deuterium: -12.486.482
      The attacker(s) made a profit of 447.106.183 units.

      Summary defender(s)

      Metal: -1.614.195.121
      Crystal: -962.864.443
      Deuterium: -247.465.518
      The defender(s) lost a total of 2.824.525.082 units.

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