Levensvormen in bestaande universa

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    • Levensvormen in bestaande universa

      Beste spelers,

      Wij kregen de volgende informatie over het onderwerp wanneer de Levensvormen in de oudere uni's komen.

      Er word momenteel gewerkt aan problemen die men zijn tegengekomen in de eerste paar uni's die de levensvormen erbij kregen. Zodra deze een oplossing hebben zullen we meer te horen krijgen over de plannen van het toevoegen van de levensvormen in oudere uni's. Het doel is voor het eind van het jaar alle universa te hebben voorzien van de levensvormen.

      Voor nu kan er daarom geen precieze datum worden gegeven.

      Orgineel bericht:

      Display Spoiler
      Hello commanders.

      We know that you are eager for news about the Lifeforms rollout on old universes and we are still working on a way to fix the performance issues that were noticed with the first 5 universes. As soon as we have a solution for it we will communicate the plans for the rollout.
      We aim to release Lifeforms on all existent universes until the end of the year but bear in mind that even if it is planned it's always subject to change depending on several factors.

      Lifeforms is a major content update with several new tactics and play-styles attached to it that brings more diversity to OGame and even if we would like as well to have it available for all the players as soon as possible, we want to tackle and focus on the issues we faced.
      Right now we cannot give any precise date, but as soon as the detected issues are tackled we will let you know how we will proceed with the rollout (dates, universe/community groups, etc).

      Thank you for all the feedback to improve such content, we hope to deliver a rollout with the quality you deserve as soon as possible.

      Best regards,
      Your OGame Team

      Met vriendelijke groet,

      Jullie ogame- team