Beste spelers,
Op dinsdag 4 juli zullen onze servers een update krijgen naar versie 9.3.0.
(Servers die de versie 10 hebben zullen de update 10.1.0 krijgen, dit zijn geen Nederlandse servers. Meer hierover kun je lezen in de spoiler)
Om 13.30 uur zal de update gebeuren.
- Changed the fleet recall button in the event list to no longer redirect you to the fleet movement page. You'll stay on the page you currently are on instead.
- Changed Graveyard system where players will only be allowed to return to the community where the account was before (there will be an exception for players from former BA (balkan) community
- Changed wreckfields to no longer be accessible while combat is being calculated on a planet to avoid calculation issues.
- Fixed being able to phalanx scan an admin's planet.
- Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (Ctrl + Shift + R in most browsers).
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Tuesday, July 4 , we will update the servers with version 10 to the version 10.1.0 and the others to version 9.3.0:
- at 10:00 CEST on EN_185 (Gaspra) to version 10.1.0 and EN_197 (Saros) to version 9.3.0
- at 13:00 CEST on Group 1 and Group 2 universes* to version 10.1.0
- at 13:30 CEST on on all the other communities to version 9.3.0
- Changed the fleet recall button in the event list to no longer redirect you to the fleet movement page. You'll stay on the page you currently are on instead.
- Changed Graveyard system where players will only be allowed to return to the community where the account was before (there will be an exception for players from former BA (balkan) community
- Changed wreckfields to no longer be accessible while combat is being calculated on a planet to avoid calculation issues.
- Fixed being able to phalanx scan an admin's planet.
- Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (Ctrl + Shift + R in most browsers).
*Group 1 and Group 2 universes
Universe 1 (1), Volans (174), Gaspra (185), Mathilde (191), Ozone (193), Perseus (194) and Rasalas (196)
Vega (122),Isonoe (187), Ozone (193), Saros (197), Lacerta (190), Thuban (198),
Narvi (192), Ozone (193) and Perseus (194)
Tucana (172), Mathilde (191), Ozone (193), Perseus (194), Quadrantids (195) and Rasalas (196)
Perseus (194) and Quadrantids (195)
Universe 68 (68), Quantum (117), Juno (188) and Perseus (194)
Mathilde (191)
Universe 1 (1)
Himalia (160)
Bear in mind that it's still up to adjustment depending on the PTS tests and feeback.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jullie Ogame-team
Op dinsdag 4 juli zullen onze servers een update krijgen naar versie 9.3.0.
(Servers die de versie 10 hebben zullen de update 10.1.0 krijgen, dit zijn geen Nederlandse servers. Meer hierover kun je lezen in de spoiler)
Om 13.30 uur zal de update gebeuren.
- Changed the fleet recall button in the event list to no longer redirect you to the fleet movement page. You'll stay on the page you currently are on instead.
- Changed Graveyard system where players will only be allowed to return to the community where the account was before (there will be an exception for players from former BA (balkan) community
- Changed wreckfields to no longer be accessible while combat is being calculated on a planet to avoid calculation issues.
- Fixed being able to phalanx scan an admin's planet.
- Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (Ctrl + Shift + R in most browsers).
Tuesday, July 4 , we will update the servers with version 10 to the version 10.1.0 and the others to version 9.3.0:
- at 10:00 CEST on EN_185 (Gaspra) to version 10.1.0 and EN_197 (Saros) to version 9.3.0
- at 13:00 CEST on Group 1 and Group 2 universes* to version 10.1.0
- at 13:30 CEST on on all the other communities to version 9.3.0
- Changed the fleet recall button in the event list to no longer redirect you to the fleet movement page. You'll stay on the page you currently are on instead.
- Changed Graveyard system where players will only be allowed to return to the community where the account was before (there will be an exception for players from former BA (balkan) community
- Changed wreckfields to no longer be accessible while combat is being calculated on a planet to avoid calculation issues.
- Fixed being able to phalanx scan an admin's planet.
- Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (Ctrl + Shift + R in most browsers).
*Group 1 and Group 2 universes
Universe 1 (1), Volans (174), Gaspra (185), Mathilde (191), Ozone (193), Perseus (194) and Rasalas (196)
Vega (122),Isonoe (187), Ozone (193), Saros (197), Lacerta (190), Thuban (198),
Narvi (192), Ozone (193) and Perseus (194)
Tucana (172), Mathilde (191), Ozone (193), Perseus (194), Quadrantids (195) and Rasalas (196)
Perseus (194) and Quadrantids (195)
Universe 68 (68), Quantum (117), Juno (188) and Perseus (194)
Mathilde (191)
Universe 1 (1)
Himalia (160)
Bear in mind that it's still up to adjustment depending on the PTS tests and feeback.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jullie Ogame-team