30 oktober - update 11.2.0

    • 30 oktober - update 11.2.0


      On Monday, October 30, we will update live game rounds with the newest game version:
      - at 14:00 CEST OGame.org universe Undae
      - at 14:30 CEST all the live universes

      - Removed the ability to scroll via mouse wheel from the rank selection dropdown on the alliance member page to avoid accidental rank changes.
      - Fixed a case in which having multiple different lifeform researches applying to the same ship type caused the bonuses applied to ships to be displayed incorrectly.
      - Fixed the displayed fleet arrival times on Fleet Dispatch II not considering alliance class speed bonuses.
      - Fixed being unable to exchange bought Import/Export items after transferring to another game round.
      - Fixed an issue that caused several errors to appear on older browser versions.
      - Fixed being unable to transfer away from graveyard servers.
      - Fixed the Traders alliance class affecting Food and Population capacities.
      - Fixed the lifeform highscores having "Points" as their titles instead of each highscores correct title.
      - Added number separators to resources displayed in the Immersive Player Introduction.
      - Removed all Smatched reference from the Options.
      - Fixed an issue that was keeping fleet missions stuck after returning
      - Fixed an issue with a fleet queue order not updating defender information
      - Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to game issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (Ctrl+Shift+R in most browsers).

      The OGame Team