kreeg ene tip van me maatje dat hij naast mijn maan lag.
Niet nagedacht, gelijk 20 miljoen deut verscheept na die maan.
en zodra deze er was gesprongen en gelijk gevlogen.
Met de nieuwe nummer 1 slag als resultaat![:D](
On 13-04-2024 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Bankai
Light Fighter 303.100
Heavy Fighter 14.990
Cruiser 27.301
Battleship 27.690
Bomber 3.000
Destroyer 11.734
Battlecruiser 10.893
Reaper 20.156
Pathfinder 11
Defender Samasons [SPQR]
Small Cargo 13.122
Large Cargo 4.800
Light Fighter 154.509
Heavy Fighter 41.318
Cruiser 20.304
Battleship 17.967
Colony Ship 1
Recycler 30.552
Espionage Probe 150
Bomber 2.764
Destroyer 16.945
Deathstar 80
Battlecruiser 1.925
Reaper 5.446
Pathfinder 31
After the battle ...
Attacker Bankai
Light Fighter 58.660 ( -244.440 )
Heavy Fighter 4.377 ( -10.613 )
Cruiser 13.052 ( -14.249 )
Battleship 20.630 ( -7.060 )
Bomber 2.544 ( -456 )
Destroyer 10.591 ( -1.143 )
Battlecruiser 8.793 ( -2.100 )
Reaper 18.717 ( -1.439 )
Pathfinder 5 ( -6 )
Defender Samasons [SPQR]
Small Cargo 0 ( -13.122 )
Large Cargo 0 ( -4.800 )
Light Fighter 0 ( -154.509 )
Heavy Fighter 1 ( -41.317 )
Cruiser 13 ( -20.291 )
Battleship 142 ( -17.825 )
Colony Ship 0 ( -1 )
Recycler 4 ( -30.548 )
Espionage Probe 0 ( -150 )
Bomber 82 ( -2.682 )
Destroyer 1.218 ( -15.727 )
Deathstar 80 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 38 ( -1.887 )
Reaper 819 ( -4.627 )
Pathfinder 0 ( -31 )
The battle ends in a draw.
The attacker lost a total of 2.513.552.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 6.458.218.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 3.122.584.604 metal, 1.637.440.931 crystal and 348.303.968 deuterium.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 1.446.163.604
Crystal: 913.120.931
Deuterium: 235.492.968
The attacker(s) made a profit of 2.594.777.503 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -3.807.781.000
Crystal: -2.151.521.000
Deuterium: -498.916.000
The defender(s) lost a total of 6.458.218.000 units.
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Uiteraard is alles geruimd
Niet nagedacht, gelijk 20 miljoen deut verscheept na die maan.
en zodra deze er was gesprongen en gelijk gevlogen.
Met de nieuwe nummer 1 slag als resultaat
On 13-04-2024 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Bankai
Light Fighter 303.100
Heavy Fighter 14.990
Cruiser 27.301
Battleship 27.690
Bomber 3.000
Destroyer 11.734
Battlecruiser 10.893
Reaper 20.156
Pathfinder 11
Defender Samasons [SPQR]
Small Cargo 13.122
Large Cargo 4.800
Light Fighter 154.509
Heavy Fighter 41.318
Cruiser 20.304
Battleship 17.967
Colony Ship 1
Recycler 30.552
Espionage Probe 150
Bomber 2.764
Destroyer 16.945
Deathstar 80
Battlecruiser 1.925
Reaper 5.446
Pathfinder 31
After the battle ...
Attacker Bankai
Light Fighter 58.660 ( -244.440 )
Heavy Fighter 4.377 ( -10.613 )
Cruiser 13.052 ( -14.249 )
Battleship 20.630 ( -7.060 )
Bomber 2.544 ( -456 )
Destroyer 10.591 ( -1.143 )
Battlecruiser 8.793 ( -2.100 )
Reaper 18.717 ( -1.439 )
Pathfinder 5 ( -6 )
Defender Samasons [SPQR]
Small Cargo 0 ( -13.122 )
Large Cargo 0 ( -4.800 )
Light Fighter 0 ( -154.509 )
Heavy Fighter 1 ( -41.317 )
Cruiser 13 ( -20.291 )
Battleship 142 ( -17.825 )
Colony Ship 0 ( -1 )
Recycler 4 ( -30.548 )
Espionage Probe 0 ( -150 )
Bomber 82 ( -2.682 )
Destroyer 1.218 ( -15.727 )
Deathstar 80 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 38 ( -1.887 )
Reaper 819 ( -4.627 )
Pathfinder 0 ( -31 )
The battle ends in a draw.
The attacker lost a total of 2.513.552.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 6.458.218.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 3.122.584.604 metal, 1.637.440.931 crystal and 348.303.968 deuterium.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 1.446.163.604
Crystal: 913.120.931
Deuterium: 235.492.968
The attacker(s) made a profit of 2.594.777.503 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -3.807.781.000
Crystal: -2.151.521.000
Deuterium: -498.916.000
The defender(s) lost a total of 6.458.218.000 units.
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Uiteraard is alles geruimd