Redesign Update

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    • Redesign Update

      Beste Communityleden,

      Begin volgende week zal GameForge een Redesign update uitvoeren waarbij een aantal bugs gepatched zullen worden.
      Het gaat hierbij om de volgende wijziginge(changelog):


      • Update of clueTip.js (problems in Chrome & Opera)
      • Empty tooltip of buildings in queue
      • Tooltip of planets menu shows wrong max. fields
      • Wrong tooltip on research overview
      • Tooltip of fleets in eventbox empty
      • Wrong tooltip if you try to start an expedition without existing astrophysics
      • Points of alliance members in tooltips broken

      -> Expeditions:
      • Delay in expeditions fixed
      • Duplicated resources

      -> Alliance menu:
      • Not possible to open member list of your alliance (if alliance menu open via highscore)
      • Display error of ranks in alliance member list corrected
      • BBCode`s on alliance page broken
      • Broken alliance rights fixed

      -> Fleets:
      • Duplicating fleets (send away at the same time as an attack) - now "ships are in combat" error message
      • Problem with input fields on "fleet III"
      • Could not spy moon if planet deleted
      • Own activity star in galaxy view

      -> Pillory:
      • Deleted alliances not shown on pillory
      • Unbanned users not shown on pillory
      • Banned users get wrong ban reason while login

      -> Others:
      • Line break in long planet names
      • Allocation of main planets changed
      • Overlay in RTL version fixed
      • Multiple mail usage possible
      • Vacation mode in own account not shown
      • Highscore problem after moon deletion
      • Missing error message if buddy list full and you try to add new buddy
      • Energy overview in resource setting wrong

      Mochten jullie nog vragen hebben, stel ze dan hier.

      Met vriendelijke groet,
      Het OGame.NL team.

      "When everything is all right, there's nothing left," -Su Majestad Rey Nemaattori el Primer, 1e .nl'er met 2,5mil score.
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