Event Servers - Ogame bestaat 15 jaar!

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    • Event Servers - Ogame bestaat 15 jaar!

      Beste spelers,

      Ogame bestaat binnenkort maar liefst 15 jaar en dit moet traditioneel gevierd worden.

      Van 4 oktober tot en met 18 oktober zullen in 5 verschillende communities 'Event Servers' geopend zijn. Deze universa hebben unieke instellingen en door in deze universa te spelen maak je kans op enkele leuke prijzen.


      De communities waar deze Event Servers geopend worden zijn de volgende:

      • Duitsland (.DE)
      • Engeland (.ORG)
      • Frankrijk (.FR)
      • Spanje (.ES)
      • Polen (.PL)


      De servers zullen allemaal deze instellingen hebben:

      • Economiesnelheid: x10
      • Vlootsnelheid: x7
      • Puin van vloot: 70%
      • AGS
      • Cirkelvormige Melkwegen
      • Cirkelvormige Zonnestelsels
      • 5 Melkwegen
      • 15.000 DM als startbonus
      • Deuteriumverbruik: 50%
      • Opslagruimte Spionagesonde: 5 eenheden

      NB: Enkele jaren geleden is de opslagruimte van spionagesondes uit het spel gehaald. Echter is dit op veler verzoek een serverinstelling geworden welke actief zal zijn op deze eventservers! Spioraiden is daardoor dus in deze uni's weer mogelijk!


      De prijzen die je kunt winnen wanneer je bij het aflopen van het event in de top 10 staat op een van deze servers zijn als volgt:

      1. Roccat Headset + 3 Donkere Materie coupons ter waarde van €50,00 per stuk + ingame level voor onderzoek of gebouw
      2. Roccat Muis + 3 Donkere Materie coupons ter waarde van €50,00 per stuk + ingame level voor onderzoek of gebouw
      3. Roccat Toetsenbord + 3 Donkere Materie coupons ter waarde van €50,00 per stuk + ingame level voor onderzoek of gebouw
      4. 4 Donkere Materie coupons ter waarde van €50,00 per stuk + ingame level voor onderzoek of gebouw
      5. 3 Donkere Materie coupons ter waarde van €50,00 per stuk + ingame level voor onderzoek of gebouw
      6. 2 Donkere Materie coupons ter waarde van €50,00 per stuk + ingame level voor onderzoek of gebouw
      7. 2 Donkere Materie coupons ter waarde van €50,00 per stuk
      8. 1 Donkere Materie coupon ter waarde van €50,00 en 1 Donkere Materie coupon ter waarde van €25,00
      9. 1 Donkere Materie coupon ter waarde van €50,00
      10. 1 Donkere Materie coupon ter waarde van €25,00

      NB: Uit alle participanten worden ook 3 spelers willekeurig gekozen die 2 Donkere Materie coupons ter waarde van €50,00 per stuk en een ingame level voor onderzoek of gebouw in ontvangt mogen nemen.

      Mochten jullie besluiten een kans te wagen, zet hem dan op en maak ons trots! Wij wensen iedereen ontzettend veel succes! We zullen de voorwaarden van deze actie in een post hieronder plaatsen. :)

      Met vriendelijke groeten,
      Jullie Admin Team

      Ex-Admin Ogame.nl

      "If it is the past you love, then that is where you can stay." - Yellowcard - For You, And Your Denial.
    • Hieronder de algemene voorwaarden voor het event uiteengezet. Let op, het is in het Engels. Het kan zijn dat in de andere communities andere regels gelden dan op .NL. Raadpleeg daarom altijd het forum van de desbetreffende community.

      Display Spoiler

      Entry Conditions

      The following conditions govern the execution of the OGame Event (hereafter the “event”), hosted by Gameforge 4D GmbH, Albert-Nestler-Strasse 8, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany (hereafter “Gameforge”).

      1. Participation Period
      The event starts 4/10/2017 at 2 PM CEST and ends on 18/10/2017 at 2 PM CEST (hereafter “participation period”).

      2. No Participation Fees
      During the participation period, the optional purchasing of paid premium currency (hereafter “Dark Matter”) is possible, however is not compulsory and nor does it improve the chance of winning. Dark Matter and the digital content purchased with is not eligible for reimbursement and cannot be transferred to other user accounts. Participation for the rest is free and is not bound to the purchase of any goods or a paid service provision.

      3. Participation Eligibility
      (1) Every individual resident of the European Union (hereafter “participation region”) of full age who register a user account in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Terms and Conditions (hereafter “user”).
      (2) Employees of Gameforge and of Gameforge associated companies, as well as their associates, are allowed to participate but are excluded from receipt of any prizes.

      4. Participants and Event Accounts
      (1) A “participant” is every user who registers a user account for the temporary event server (hereafter “event account”).
      (2) The event account is for the exclusive use of each participant. The event account will be deleted within a week after the end of the participation period and it cannot be transferred to another server.

      5. Winners
      (1) The “winners” are the 10 participants who have reached the highest point score within the total high scores on their event account at the end of the participation period.
      (2) Should multiple participants reach the same point score, Gameforge will decide the winner by drawing lots. For example, should three participants share first place, Gameforge will draw lots for these three participants to decide the first-place winner. The remaining two participants then share the second place, so that Gameforge then decides the winner of this place by again drawing lots. The remaining participant then receives third position, thereby moving the former third-placed participant to the fourth place, and so on.
      (3) Gameforge will announce the winner once the event is done using their provided nickname and then inform them of the win directly via email (hereafter the “notification”).
      (4) The judges’ decision is final with regard to determining the winners.

      6. Prizes
      (1) The winners who reached the top three positions in the total high scores with their event account at the end of the participation period (section 5 paragraph 2 of the conditions apply) will receive a material prize. The delivery of material prizes (hereafter “delivery”) requires the provision of a forename and surname as well as a valid postal address for the winner, located within the participation region (“details”).
      (2) Gameforge will request the affected winners provide the details through the notification for the purposes of the delivery. If the winner does not provide their details within 14 days of this, then all claim to a prize is lost. Gameforge can, in such an event, select another participant to become a winner, drawn by lot. Sections 6 paragraph 1 and section 2 paragraph 2 of these entry conditions also apply in this instance.
      (3) The delivery to the provided address within the participation region will follow four weeks after provision of the details at the latest, to be carried out by a service provider contracted by Gameforge (hereafter “contracted service provider”).
      (4) The handover of material prizes to the contracted service provider serves as the material prize being presented by Gameforge to the affected winner. If the material prize cannot be delivered as a result of incorrect details or an unsuccessful delivery attempt, then Gameforge is not liable for the provision of a renewed delivery attempt.
      (5) Prizes in the form of digital content will be sent to the winner by Gameforge as an activation code. It will be sent via email to the address provided as part of the registration for the event account.
      ( 6) A cash payment or payment of the prizes in physical goods or rather the exchange and/or transference of a prize to a third party is not permitted.

      7. Liability
      Regardless of legal grounds, Gameforge, its committees, employees and agents are liable exclusively for wilful intent and gross negligence. However with slight negligence they are only liable in cases where contractual obligations are infringed upon and are limited to foreseeable damages, provided this is not contrary to the requirements of any applicable law. The previously stated limitations do not apply for the loss of life, personal injury or damage to health.

      8. Privacy
      Gameforge will request, process and use participants personal data within the scope of the data protection guidelines and the privacy policy to execute the event. This includes the conveyance of the address to the contracted service provider.

      9. Other
      (1) The registration of an event account serves as the participant’s acceptance of these entry conditions. Alongside the entry conditions, the Standard Terms and Conditions as well as the game and forum rules apply (together “the rules”).
      (2) Should a participant infringe upon the rules, eligibility for participation may be revoked – this also applies after the participation period. If a winner is revoked within the scope set out in the previous sentence, then their claim to a prize is lost and Gameforge may select another participant to take the place of the affected winner.
      (3) Gameforge reserves the right to end the event early, should its orderly execution not be guaranteed either due to technical or legal grounds.
      (4) If any individual provisions of the rules should prove to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain enforceable. The unenforceable provision shall be substituted for the relevant statutory provision.

      Ex-Admin Ogame.nl

      "If it is the past you love, then that is where you can stay." - Yellowcard - For You, And Your Denial.