On 14-06-2020 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Xsanu [Bro]
Light Fighter 8.687
Heavy Fighter 2.846
Cruiser 390
Battleship 374
Destroyer 2
Deathstar 12
Recycler 37
Defender Buckert [EOD]
Light Fighter 240.982
Heavy Fighter 10.577
Cruiser 4.302
Battleship 1.940
Bomber 1.613
Destroyer 1.019
Deathstar 6
Battlecruiser 1.955
Reaper 833
Rocket Launcher 5.000
Small Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Xsanu [Bro]
Defender Buckert [EOD]
Light Fighter 235.455 ( -5.527 )
Heavy Fighter 10.382 ( -195 )
Cruiser 4.247 ( -55 )
Battleship 1.915 ( -25 )
Bomber 1.580 ( -33 )
Destroyer 1.004 ( -15 )
Deathstar 6 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 1.926 ( -29 )
Reaper 820 ( -13 )
Rocket Launcher 4.848 ( -152 )
Small Shield Dome 1 ( -0 )
The defender has won the battle!
The attacker lost a total of 217.874.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 36.847.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 67.767.555 metal and 38.706.446 crystal.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
Debris harvested by the defender(s):
8.611.445 Metal and 4.918.554 Crystal
67.767.555 Metal and 38.728.446 Crystal
Total debris harvested by the defender(s):
76.379.000 Metal and 43.647.000 Crystal
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: -128.257.000
Crystal: -76.733.000
Deuterium: -12.884.000
The attacker(s) lost a total of 217.874.000 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: 51.574.000
Crystal: 33.130.000
Deuterium: -1.525.000
The defender(s) made a profit of 83.179.000 units.
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On 14-06-2020 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Xsanu [Bro]
Light Fighter 8.687
Heavy Fighter 2.846
Cruiser 390
Battleship 374
Destroyer 2
Deathstar 12
Recycler 37
Defender Buckert [EOD]
Light Fighter 240.982
Heavy Fighter 10.577
Cruiser 4.302
Battleship 1.940
Bomber 1.613
Destroyer 1.019
Deathstar 6
Battlecruiser 1.955
Reaper 833
Rocket Launcher 5.000
Small Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Xsanu [Bro]
Defender Buckert [EOD]
Light Fighter 235.455 ( -5.527 )
Heavy Fighter 10.382 ( -195 )
Cruiser 4.247 ( -55 )
Battleship 1.915 ( -25 )
Bomber 1.580 ( -33 )
Destroyer 1.004 ( -15 )
Deathstar 6 ( -0 )
Battlecruiser 1.926 ( -29 )
Reaper 820 ( -13 )
Rocket Launcher 4.848 ( -152 )
Small Shield Dome 1 ( -0 )
The defender has won the battle!
The attacker lost a total of 217.874.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 36.847.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 67.767.555 metal and 38.706.446 crystal.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
Debris harvested by the defender(s):
8.611.445 Metal and 4.918.554 Crystal
67.767.555 Metal and 38.728.446 Crystal
Total debris harvested by the defender(s):
76.379.000 Metal and 43.647.000 Crystal
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: -128.257.000
Crystal: -76.733.000
Deuterium: -12.884.000
The attacker(s) lost a total of 217.874.000 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: 51.574.000
Crystal: 33.130.000
Deuterium: -1.525.000
The defender(s) made a profit of 83.179.000 units.
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Hofcount: Draco 4 | Gemini 12 | Pegasus 0 | Taurus 21 | Uni10 92 | Quantum.org 2